Archiv: booting Bercow

21.10.2019 - 16:48 [ Daily Mail ]

Fury as Speaker John Bercow BLOCKS fresh bid by Boris Johnson to trigger a vote on his Brexit deal – with ministers vowing to force legislation through Parliament this week

– Speaker John Bercow has moved to block a ‚meaningful‘ vote on the deal today
– Boris Johnson wanted to stage a vote after MPs delayed decision on Saturday
– PM plans late Commons sittings as he tries to pass Withdrawal Agreement Bill
– Usually takes weeks for legislation to go through all stages in Commons, Lords
– But ministers desperate to get deal into law ahead of an EU summit next Monday
– Around 15 Labour MPs are thought to be ready to back the PM‘s Brexit deal
– Labour is threatening to back amendments on customs union and referendum

21.10.2019 - 16:19 [ ]

‚GUERRILLA WARFARE‘: Boris Johnson ‘has the numbers’ to win Brexit vote TODAY but ‘poor man’s Cromwell’ Speaker Bercow may block it

The Remainer Speaker will decide later whether to let the PM hold a vote on his deal, leaving Brexit hanging in the balance.

10.10.2019 - 10:22 [ Guido Fawkes ]

EU President: Bercow Working with me to Block No Deal

Addressing the EU Parliament, it’s President, David Sassoli, let slip that he is now bypassing the UK Government and talking directly to Bercow about how to delay Brexit. Bercow has always claimed he isn’t a Remainer and just wants the Commons to have its say – according to Sassoli, Bercow is actively lobbying against No Deal behind the scenes…

29.09.2019 - 10:01 [ ]

‚FOREIGN PLOT‘ No10: launches probe into Remainers who ‘colluded with France and EU’ to write Brexit Surrender Act as MPs ‘plot for Bercow to bypass PM’

Former Cabinet Minister Oliver Letwin, former Chancellor Philip Hammond and ex-Attorney General Dominic Grieve are all suspected of being assisted by members of the European Commission, it was reported.

Another source added: “The Government is working on extensive investigations into Dominic Grieve, Oliver Letwin and Hilary Benn [who tabled the Bill] and their involvement with foreign powers and the funding of their activities.

29.09.2019 - 09:11 [ Daily Mail ]

No 10 probes Remain MPs‘ ‚foreign collusion‘ amid plot to allow John Bercow to send ‚surrender letter‘ to Brussels asking for a delay to Brexit

Downing Street has launched a major investigation into alleged links between foreign governments and the MPs behind the ‚Surrender Act‘ which could force Boris Johnson to delay Brexit, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

Sources said No 10 took the unprecedented action after officials received intelligence that the MPs, including former Cabinet Minister Oliver Letwin, had received help drafting the Bill from members of the French Government and the European Union.

13.09.2019 - 11:56 [ Guido Fawkes ]

Bercow Compares No Deal Brexit to ‘Robbing a Bank’

The supposedly impartial speaker took the opportunity to declare that he supports written constitution, and even ad-libbed from his script to actually compare the Prime Minister to a knife-wielding street gang member. A new Speaker can’t come soon enough…

13.09.2019 - 11:52 [ ]

John Bercow vows to use ‚procedural creativity‘ to stop Boris Johnson ignoring law blocking no-deal Brexit

The House of Commons Speaker compared the Prime Minister’s vow not to request the Article 50 extension demanded by the legislation to „robbing a bank“.

Mr Johnson has said he would rather be „dead in a ditch“ than ask for a delay to the UK‘s departure, while ministers have suggested they will “test” the law out in the courts before enacting it.

09.09.2019 - 17:43 [ ]

Brexit-Machtkampf ++ Parlamentspräsident kündigt Rücktritt an ++

Parlament zollt Bercow Respekt – aber nicht alle

17:32 Uhr
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17:14 Uhr

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09.09.2019 - 17:20 [ ]

Brexit: John Bercow to step down as Speaker by 31 October – live news

Here is the full text of John Bercow’s resignation statement.

Colleagues, I would like to make a personal statement to the house. At the 2017 election I promised my wife and children that it would be my last. This is a pledge that I intend to keep. If the house votes tonight for an early general election, my tenure as Speaker and MP will end when this parliament ends.

If the house does not so vote, I have concluded that the least disruptive and most democratic course of action would be for me stand down at the close of business on Thursday, 31 October. Least disruptive because that date will fall shortly after the votes on the Queen’s speech expected on 21 and 22 October.

08.09.2019 - 12:59 [ ]

Speaker John Bercow tells aides he will quit at next election after Tories launch campaign to oust him

In 2009, he said he would only serve nine years as Speaker but has recently refused to step down.

A Commons source said Mr Bercow has privately told staff he is will step down as Speaker at the next election.

08.09.2019 - 12:53 [ Daily Mail ]

Boris Johnson tells John Bercow, ‚You‘re out!‘: Tories will oust ‚biased‘ Commons Speaker after he ripped up the rulebook and helped block Brexit

In an article for today‘s MoS – printed below – Ms Leadsom says that, by allowing MPs to take over the Parliamentary timetable, the Speaker ‚hasn‘t just bent the rules, he has broken them‘.

The Cabinet Minister – who clashed repeatedly with Mr Bercow when she was Commons Leader – describes last Tuesday‘s vote as ‚a flagrant abuse‘, adding: ‚It is right that the Conservatives will recognise this fact at the next General Election by standing our candidate in Buckingham.‘

04.09.2019 - 06:07 [ ]

Tories tear up convention with plan to contest John Bercow‘s seat in general election

The Conservatives are set to break with convention and stand against John Bercow in the next general election, the Telegraph understands.

In what would be a dramatic move, the Tories are lining up a Brexiteer to take on the Commons Speaker in the constituency of Buckingham, in Buckinghamshire.

31.08.2019 - 10:24 [ Guido Fawkes ]

John Bercow’s Next Job?

As Britain’s EU membership finally comes to an end next month, so (hopefully) will John Bercow’s miserable time as Speaker. Luckily, however, the St Helena Tourism Board have posted a job vacancy perfect for him should he be looking for a new job over the coming weeks.

23.06.2019 - 20:13 [ Spectator ]

John Bercow’s authority has now collapsed

The SNP’s Ian Blackford was lambasting Boris Johnson whom he identified as, ‘the front-runner in the leadership contest’. He recited some of Boris’s more inflammatory asides including the (plainly satirical) observation that ‘Scots should be banned from being prime minister.’

‘Not only is the member racist,’ commented Blackford, ‘but he is stoking division in communities.’

Calls of ‘withdraw!’ erupted from the Tory benches. Speaker Bercow climbed to his feet but he didn’t seem to know what to do next.

13.06.2019 - 11:52 [ ]

Remainer MPs LOSE crucial vote on blocking No Deal by to 309 to 298: Early win for Boris Johnson as rebels FAIL to seize control of Commons timetable to foil hard Brexit – despite help from Speaker Bercow

– Remainer MPs tabled a motion in the Commons designed to block No Deal
– Motion would have seize control of business from government at end of month
– But it was humiliatingly defeated by 309 to 298 in a victory for Brexiteers
– Ex-Attorney General Dominic Grieve says he‘d bring down PM to stop No Deal
– Boris Johnson formally launched his campaign to become Tory leader earlier
– The former foreign secretary insisted the UK must leave the EU by Halloween

30.05.2019 - 11:50 [ ]

John Bercow’s bloated ego used to be written off as just tiresome but it’s serious

WON’T somebody rid us of this troublesome Speaker?

29.05.2019 - 18:09 [ Telegraph ]

Isolated and vilified, Speaker John Bercow is clinging on to get the Brexit he wants

John Bercow may not be Brexiteers‘ favourite as Speaker as the House of Commons, but he has sought to live up to the spirit of Brexit by constantly letting the expected deadline for his departure slip.

29.05.2019 - 17:59 [ ]

John Bercow vows to stay on as Commons Speaker beyond summer

Mr Bercow had reportedly told friends he was planning to stand down in the summer, having spent 10 years in the post.