Archiv: Bitcoin / cryptocurrencies / systems

02.05.2023 - 16:14 [ ]

Silvergate has collapsed

(Mar 8, 2023)

In January, its earnings report revealed that it lost a billion dollars in one quarter after its customers withdrew $8.1 billion. Then, on March 1st, it filed a document saying its financials were even worse than the quarterly report had shown.

02.05.2023 - 16:10 [ ]

The Federal Government Bailing Out Crypto’s Biggest Bank? Silvergate Taps the Federal Home Loan Bank as its Lender of Last Resort

(January 19, 2023)

The FHLB system was created under Herbert Hoover in 1932 with the primary goal of making homeownership more affordable for the average American. (…)

While FHLBs are privately capitalized, they enjoy a special statutory lien priority which can place them ahead of other parties, including the FDIC, in bankruptcy proceedings. Thus, if Silvergate were to join the spate of major crypto industry entities that filed bankruptcy recently, it could leave the FDIC holding the (empty) bag, responsible for paying out deposit insurance on Silvergate’s FDIC insured accounts while the FHLB is first in line for any assets remaining.

04.02.2023 - 02:19 [ Laurie Law, Susan Sabett, Jerrry Solinas / ]



* This research Essay was prepared by NSA employees in furtherance of the study of
cryptography. The contents of the report do not necessarily represent the position or policies of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the National Security Agency. The authors are mathematical cryptographers at the National Security Agency‘s Office of Information Security Research and Technology.

04.02.2023 - 02:12 [ ]

Bitcoins – Secured by NSA designed Encryption or Backdoored ?

(Sep 13, 2013)

The integrity of Bitcoin depends on a hash function called SHA-256, which was designed by the NSA and published by the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST).

Is it hard to believe that could the intelligence community have a secret exploit for Bitcoin?

04.02.2023 - 01:55 [ ]

Bitcoin: Evidence Points To The NSA As Its Original Engineer

( December 13, 2017)

I’m going to assume the readers who make it to this article are well informed enough that I don’t have to go into the history of the global money changers and their desire for a one world currency. (If you don’t yet understand the goal of the globalist banking empire and the coming engineered collapse of the fiat currency system, you’re already about 5,000 posts behind the curve.)

With that as a starting point, it’s now becoming increasingly evident that Bitcoin may be a creation of the NSA and was rolled out as a “normalization” experiment to get the public familiar with digital currency. Once this is established, the world’s fiat currencies will be obliterated in an engineered debt collapse (see below for the sequence of events), then replaced with a government approved cryptocurrency with tracking of all transactions and digital wallets by the world’s western governments.