Archiv: Benjamin Weinthal

03.09.2022 - 20:08 [ Benjamin Weinthal / Nitter ]

Eilmeldung: Über 5.000 ehemalige hochrangige israelische Offiziere schreiben einen Brief an Biden, in dem sie ihn auffordern, kein neues Atomabkommen mit dem Iran zu unterzeichnen. Ich habe zu diesem @FoxNews Bericht beigetragen.


30.06.2020 - 17:54 [ Benjamin Weinthal / Jerusalem Post ]

German intel says Iran ‚massively promotes antisemitism, Israel hatred‘

The domestic intelligence agency for the city-state of Berlin disclosed Thursday in a new report on antisemitism that Iran’s clerical regime is a leading sponsor of Jew-hatred.

05.06.2019 - 05:42 [ Benjamin Weinthal / Fox News ]

Iran seeking to expand military program to weapons of mass destruction: German intelligence


Fox News obtained a May 2019 intelligence document from the state of Bavaria detailing Iran‘s nefarious weapons activities in the southern German state during the previous year.

Iran is a „risk country“ that is „making efforts to expand its conventional arsenal of weapons with weapons of mass destruction,“ wrote the Bavarian Office for the Protection of the Constitution in its intelligence report.

The Bavarian agency is the rough equivalent of the FBI without arrest powers.