Daily Archives: 13. September 2014

13.09.2014 - 23:13 [ RIA Novosti ]

Iran wirft USA Verletzung der Souveränität anderer Länder vor

Der Iran hat den USA eine Verletzung der Souveränität anderer Länder unter dem Deckmantel der Terrorbekämpfung im Irak und in Syrien vorgeworfen. „Amerika versucht weiterhin, sein Monopol in der Welt zu verlängern“, erklärte der Sekretär des Höchsten Rates für nationale Sicherheit des Iran, Ali Schamchani, am Samstag nach Angaben der Agentur IRNA.

13.09.2014 - 22:47 [ Air Traffic Management ]

Airservices debuts digital tower technology

Airservices will fit the latest Integrated Tower Automation Suite (INTAS) digital technology to existing air traffic control towers in the Gold Coast, Perth, Cairns and Brisbane as part of the continuing implementation of this world-leading technology around Australia.

13.09.2014 - 22:42 [ My Fox Boston ]

Report: Boston music fans part of surveillance experiment

Thousands of music fans who attended concerts at City Hall Plaza were part of a secret surveillance experiment, a new report states.

The software examined a person‘s height, clothing and skin color. It also reportedly monitored crowd movement, traffic patterns and searched for suspicious objects.

The city says it is still exploring options for how to use the software in the future.

13.09.2014 - 22:34 [ Radio Utopie ]

Kennen Sie eigentlich die ENMOD-Konvention gegen Wetterwaffen aus dem Jahre 1976?

(11.9.2011) Ausdrücklich erwähnt werden:
– Erdbeben oder Veränderungen der Erdkruste
– Tsunamis
– Wetterphänomene wie Zyklone, Tornados, Wolkenbildung, Niederschlag/Regen
– Störung der ökologischen Balance einer Region
– Beeinflussung der Meeresströmungen, usw

Und das war 1976.

Freitag, 11.März 2011. Der heutige Tag.

Zur Zeit beraten die staatlichen Weltmächte des Planeten über einen neuen Krieg. Der Militärpakt des Nordatlantiks (Nato) sprach sich vorerst gegen die Errichtung einer Flugverbotszone, also gegen Luftangriffe auf Libyen aus.

13.09.2014 - 22:31 [ Radio Utopie ]

“Geoengineering”-Studie der Bundeswehr relativiert Abkommen gegen Wetterwaffen von 1976

(17.06.2013 Auf Seite 6 der Bundeswehr-Studie wird dann die E.N.M.O.D.-Konvention der Vereinten Nationen gegen Wetterwaffen aus dem Jahre 1976 zuerst ignoriert und im nächsten Satz dahingehend umgedeutet, dass diese zwar die Kriegführung mit Wetterwaffen verbiete, aber nicht “das Thema selber”. Auszug:

13.09.2014 - 22:28 [ ExecutiveBiz ]

Northrop Joins NOAA ‘Weather-Ready Nation’ Initiative; Ed Sturms Comments

“Leadership in advancing science and technology is critical to ensuring the success of the nation’s weather readiness and we applaud NOAA for leading such an important initiative,” said Ed Sturms, sector vice president and general manager at Northrop Grumman Information Systems civil division.

13.09.2014 - 22:15 [ Radio Utopie ]

U.S.-Sicht: “C.I.A. ist nun in der Pflicht, Waffen direkt an Kurden zu liefern. Wir reden hier über einen Wert von ein paar hundert Millionen Dollar”

“There will be no boots on the ground in Iraq”

erklärte der U.S.-Verteidigungsminister am 12.August 2014 vor über zweihundert Marines auf dem U.S.-Militärstützpunkt Camp Pendleton, nachdem er nur einige Stunden zuvor in Sydney die Entscheidung zur weiteren offiziellen Entsendung von einhundertdreissig Elitesoldaten in den Nordirak bekannt gab. Die wirkliche Anzahl an Aufklärern der Fallschirmspringereinheiten und des militärischen Geheimdienst des Pentagons bleibt Militärgeheimnis.

13.09.2014 - 22:11 [ National Defense Magazine ]

Military Experts Predict More Boots on the Ground in Iraq

“Can we do what we think we need to do to take away the will of the enemy?” he asked during a presentation to Army officers Sept. 10 at the Army Maneuver Center of Excellence, in Fort Benning, Georgia.

“It‘s not about weapon systems, it‘s not about killing. It‘s about removing confidence in the enemy, removing the willingness to do what they think they need to do,” he said. “We‘ve lost our idea of what winning means, he said. The missions for the last 10 years have been to defeat, destroy al-Qaida or the Taliban. Both are still in place, he noted. “In fact they‘ve grown.”

13.09.2014 - 22:07 [ Radio Utopie ]

U.S.-Gericht: Mörder-Camp ‘School of the Americas’ muss Namen offenlegen

(30.4.2013) 1996 hatte das Verteidigungsministerium das Trainingshandbuch mit den empfohlenen Verhörmethoden wie Folter, Hinrichtung, Erpressung und die Verhaftung der Angehörigen freigegeben.

Die New York Times schrieb 1996 in School of the Dictators:

“Das neue veröffentlichte Handbuch erinnert an ein Handbuch, das die Central Intelligence Agency an die nicaraguanischen Contras in den frühen 1980er Jahren verteilte, das Entführungen, Morde, Erpressung und die Einstellung von professionellen Kriminellen empfahl. Die Reagan-Administration hat diese Broschüre sogleich verleugnet als ihr Inhalt bekannt wurde. Doch die School of the Americas befürwortet weiterhin ähnliche Methoden für ein weiteres Jahrzehnt. Eine Institution, die so eindeutig ausserhalb der amerikanischen Werte steht und so hartnäckig immun zu reformieren ist, sollte ohne weitere Verzögerung geschlossen werden.”

13.09.2014 - 22:02 [ Wikipedia ]

Fort Benning

In Harmony Church sind die Scharfschützen- und Army-Ranger-Schulen, sowie das 1. Bataillon des 29. US-Infanterieregimentes zu finden.

Fryar Drop Zone, die Absprungzone der der 82. US-Luftlandedivision, ist in dem Teil von Fort Benning, der im US-Bundesstaat Alabama liegt.

Weitere in Fort Benning stationierte Ausbildungseinheiten sind das Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC), früher bekannt als School of the Americas und die US Army Pathfinder-Ausbildungsschule.

13.09.2014 - 21:59 [ Outdoor Life Magazine ]

Nearly 11,000 Acres of Access Added In Georgia

The land surrounds Fort Benning, an active U.S. Army facility, and will serve as a demonstration site for longleaf pine restoration efforts in addition to providing hunting and recreational access.

The Army Compatible Use Buffer Program requires lands near the facility to meet compatability requirements with the post‘s national security mission.

„The Department of Defense is funding the acquisition of land outside the boundaries of Fort Benning and by buying this land outside of the post, it ensures that the land is not developed in ways that are not compatible with the Army‘s mission,“ Kevin Kramer, Georgia DNR region supervisor for Chattahoochee Fall Line Wildlife Management Area.

13.09.2014 - 21:27 [ Daily News Egypt ]

Hunger strikes on the rise in support of detained activists

As Egyptian-American activist Mohamed Soltan enters his 232th day of hunger strike with deteriorating health, more people are joining the initiative as an objection to the Protest Law.

On Friday, an anonymous person phoned Soltan’s family and said that Soltan is in a critical health condition, said spokesperson for Soltan’s family Sara Mohamed, who also began a hunger strike nine days ago.

13.09.2014 - 21:25 [ WCHS-TV8 ]

Egypt journalists hunger strike over protest law

Diaa Rashwan said Saturday that he sent an official notification to Hisham Barakat about the hunger strike, which will take place in the syndicate‘s headquarters in downtown Cairo.

Dozens of prisoners have been joining an ongoing hunger strike against the contested law, which bans demonstrations without a permit and toughens penalties on violators.

13.09.2014 - 21:16 [ BetaNews ]

Facebook‘s ‚real name‘ policy is wrong, discriminatory, and potentially dangerous

There is now a petition underway to try to help Facebook see the error of its ways. Whether it pays off is anyone‘s guess, but Sister Roma‘s frustrating situation publicizes an important issue. It is often people in the public eye who choose to use a pseudonym. While this is done out of preference, it has the happy side effect of offering a degree of privacy and protection to family members. Ultimately Facebook needs to remember that it is a website — nothing more. Its approach to privacy over the years has annoyed, irritated and driven away many people, but now is the time for the network to stop throwing its weight around. If I want to be called Rebecca the One-Legged Unicorn on Facebook, why should I not be able to?

Of course, Facebook can impose whatever rules it wants to, but it should also expect to be asked to justify its policies.

13.09.2014 - 21:12 [ Change.org ]

Allow performers to use their stage names on their Facebook accounts!

Recently, Facebook has been locking many performers out of their accounts until they change their names to their „legal identity.“ According to Facebook, this is to help build „authentic“ community, but in fact it undermines the online communities we have built over the past several years using our stage names. Our chosen names are an important part of our identities and how we interact with our peers and audiences.

13.09.2014 - 20:50 [ William Blake / Global Research ]

Will NATO Liberate Jihadistan?

In thesis, everything would be settled. The Caliph becomes a contractor to NATO (well, he’s been on to it, sort of). The Caliph beheads Putin. The Caliph liberates Chechnya – fast; not the usual, deeply embarrassing NATO quagmire in Afghanistan. The Caliph, on a roll, attacks the BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The Caliph becomes NATO’s shadow secretary-general. And Obama finally stops complaining that his calls to Putin always end up on voicemail.

13.09.2014 - 20:09 [ Electronic Intifada ]

Israel jailed influential Palestinian writer „to remove him from society“

Prominent Palestinian professor and writer Ahmad Qatamesh spent a total of eight and a half years in Israeli prison without being charged or brought to trial.

During two separate stints in Israeli lockup, Qatamesh was held in administrative detention, a draconian practice in which Israel imprisons Palestinians for infinitely renewable six-month terms without charge or trial, using “secret evidence” against them.

13.09.2014 - 20:05 [ Times of Israel ]

Jewish youths filmed intimidating Arab taxi drivers

Passengers too, are targeted, the report said. When the gangs, numbering dozens of young Israelis, mostly teens, see customers getting into the Arab cabs, they accost the passengers, surrounding the vehicle and badgering them until they get out.

Channel 2 filmed several of the teens declaring that their goal is to prevent the Arab cabbies from making a living and push them out of the center of town.

13.09.2014 - 19:55 [ Haaretz ]

The intolerable ease of being nasty on social media

Alongside the addiction to news broadcasts and finding reinforced areas on the street in case of a rocket strike, the increase in defamatory speech on social networks was a characteristic of Operation Protective Edge. Calls for the destruction of Gaza with its inhabitants, together with wishes that left-wing activists would die in a rocket strike or from cancer, became a matter of daily routine.

13.09.2014 - 19:39 [ New York Times ]

Veterans of Elite Israeli Unit Refuse Reserve Duty, Citing Treatment of Palestinians

Denouncing Israel’s treatment of Palestinians under occupation, a group of veterans from an elite, secretive military intelligence unit have declared they will no longer “take part in the state’s actions against Palestinians” in required reserve duty because of what they called “our moral duty to act.”

13.09.2014 - 19:32 [ Mondo Weiss ]

On the use of provocative analogies (Nazism, fascism)

Soon after Israel’s sweeping victory in the 1967 war with Egypt and Syria, it became clear that rather than returning the territory it conquered, Israel intended to occupy the West Bank, East Jerusalem, Gaza, and much of the Golan Heights. Foreseeing where occupation might lead, Yeshayahu Leibowitz, one of Israel’s most prominent and acclaimed public intellectuals, philosophers, and scientists—and an Orthodox Jew—warned that if the occupation and the repression that enforced it continued, Israel would be in danger of succumbing to “Judeo-Nazism.”

13.09.2014 - 13:49 [ Daniel Neun / Twitter ]

@dieLinke Hey – ich sagte nächstes KIPPING Interview im Handelsblatt.

#hautbloßabihrPenner #Irak #bundeswehr

13.09.2014 - 09:30 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Israel surveils and blackmails gay Palestinians to make them informants

Israel has sold itself internationally as a gay Mecca. (Here, here, and here, for instance.) This freedom is regularly cited by advocates for Israel in the west, making stark comparisons to Muslim societies that repress gays. Well here’s a new spin on that claim: reports that Israeli intelligence pried into Palestinians’ phone calls and internet activity so as to identify and blackmail Palestinian gays and turn them into informants against other Palestinians.