Archiv: tresholds

15.09.2019 - 16:35 [ Haaretz ]

‚If Netanyahu Wins, Turn Out the Lights‘: Meet the Most Die-hard Opponents of Israel‘s ‚Crime Minister‘

As a young Israeli studying abroad, I recently came home for a visit eager to discuss the upcoming elections with family and friends – but found an atmosphere of utter apathy. So I decided to go find people who were actually getting involved, and that’s how I ended up meeting Elisheva and her fellow protestors.

15.09.2019 - 14:34 [ Haaretz ]

Four Days to the Election, Netanyahu’s Last-minute Surge Hinges on Millennial Apathy


His victory hangs on the fates of racist Otzma and leftist Labor – and on right-wingers coming out in droves while leftists go to the beach

13.09.2019 - 13:59 [ Haaretz ]

Election Poll: Netanyahu Bloc Stronger With Kahanists, Still Needs Lieberman

The poll also contains good news for Netanyahu – it has the far-right Otzma Yehudit party passing the electoral threshold and receiving four seats, giving the right-wing bloc led by Likud 59 seats without the support of Avigdor Lieberman‘s Yisrael Beiteinu – close to the 61 required to create a coalition, with the center-left bloc garnering 54 seats.

20.02.2019 - 17:54 [ Tulsi Gabbard / Twitter ]

Our voice is needed in the debates! The DNC req‘s candidates have 65,000 unique donors to qualify for the debate stage. With your help, we can get there. Just $1 today will help bring us to a debate on the issues of life and death that face our nation.

20.02.2019 - 17:53 [ Bernie Sanders / Twitter ]

Since yesterday morning, the response to our campaign has been incredible. -$6 million raised -225,000 contributors -Average donation: $27 We are just getting started. Let‘s stand together to transform this country.

20.02.2019 - 17:47 [ CNN ]

DNC chair excited about what he calls ‚unprecedented‘ 2020 primary debate format

(15.2.2019) To qualify for the first two debates, candidates must meet 1% or more in three separate, DNC-approved polls and rake in campaign donations from at least 65,000 unique donors, with a minimum of 200 unique donors per state in at least 20 states.