Archiv: State Security Agency (SSA) / South Africa

16.07.2021 - 06:21 [ Right2Know - ]

R2K Statement: Stern action must be taken against the instigators!

We understand that former State Security agents and some senior ANC leaders are being investigated as possible instigators to the mayhem, as was admitted by State Security Minister Ayanda Dlodlo. The Minister also told South Africans that the intelligence services knew that something would happen, but law enforcement responses to the unrest prove or paint a completely different reality.

We know that this country’s intelligence services are in shambles because both President Ramaphosa and the minister failed to implement the recommendations of the High-Level Review Panel on the State Security Agency to clean up the spooks. We did mention that these rogue securocrats are a threat to our democracy and they must be dealt with accordingly.

16.07.2021 - 06:17 [ ]

Right2Know: Name and shame State Security agents involved in looting and violence

Johannesburg – Civil society organisation, Right2Know has urged President Cyril Ramaphosa and Minister of State Security Ayanda Dlodlo to name and shame some of the State Security Agency’s (SSA) agents who fuelled the violent and destructive protests in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal.

The campaign which initially erupted under the guise of Free Jacob Zuma campaign turned ugly when hundreds of protesters blocked national roads in KwaZulu-Natal and set alight trucks and vehicles belonging to private individuals.

16.07.2021 - 06:10 [ aco Barnard-Naudé / ]

Anarchy in the RSA: A spirit of revolt without revolution

Slavoj Žižek proposed in an article on the London riots in 2011 that such riots are not easily understandable in Marxist terms, precisely because they do not carry the signs of the emergence of a revolutionary subject. Instead, he proposes that they fit much better the Hegelian notion of “abstract negativity”, of “those outside organised social space, who can express their discontent only through ‘irrational’ outbursts of destructive violence”. Žižek believes that these forms of riot confirm the rather mundane, now commonplace assertion that we live in a post-ideological era, an era in which nothing is demanded any more, a time of “zero-degree violence”.

“Opposition to the system can no longer articulate itself in the form of a realistic alternative, or even as a utopian project,” Žižek writes, “but can only take the shape of a meaningless outburst.”

16.07.2021 - 06:00 [ ]

Confessions of a dangerous mind, a ‘divinely inspired’ Zuma spy Thulani Dlomo

Shortly after taking his oath of office, Zuma signed a proclamation that bypassed Parliament and collapsed five of South Africa’s agencies into the State Security Agency (SSA).

The door was thus kicked open for the creation of an unlawful, parallel, secret security state, funded by public money — much of which remains unaccounted for — and which served Zuma’s personal and political interests for more than a decade.