Archiv: Rex Tillerson

20.09.2019 - 18:51 [ Radio Utopie ]

Was uns die Enthüllungen von Rex Tillerson über Netanyahus Manipulationen der U.S.-Außenpolitik über die Bundesregierung sagen

Der von U.S.-Präsident Donald Trump im März 2018 als Außenminister entlassene Rex Tillerson gab vor zwei Tagen in der Harvard Universität im Rahmen einer hochrangigen Gesprächsrunde „erhellende“ Einblicke. Es ging um die Manipulationen der U.S.-Außenpolitik durch die immer noch im Amt befindliche extrem rechte Netanyahu-Regierung in Israel.

20.09.2019 - 12:01 [ ]

National & World Affairs: Tillerson’s exit interview

Early on, it was “pretty evident” to him that much of the department was outmoded, from management practices and some of the systems to IT, and there was no clear delegation of authority, as he was used to in the private sector, so he had a hard time understanding “how decisions are made, who’s got authority to make what decisions and who’s accountable,” he said.

20.09.2019 - 11:55 [ Nicholas Burns, former American Diplomat / Twitter ]

Former Secretary Rex Tillerson was insightful and illuminating about the Trump Administration and U.S. foreign policy in our interview with him at Harvard @Kennedy_School.

20.09.2019 - 11:49 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu ‚Played Trump Using Misinformation‘ Several Times, Says Tillerson

„We later exposed it to the president so he understood, ‘You’ve been played,’” said Tillerson. “It bothers me that an ally that’s that close and important to us would do that to us.”

Tillerson criticized Trump for preferring the advice of political figures outside of his administration when it came to Israel, over the assessments of his own senior cabinet members.

20.09.2019 - 11:35 [ ]

Tillerson: Netanyahu, Israelis ‚played‘ Trump

„They did that with the president on a couple of occasions, to persuade him that ‘We’re the good guys, they’re the bad guys,’“ Tillerson said, according to the Harvard Gazette. „We later exposed it to the president so he understood, ‘You’ve been played.’”

He cautioned that skepticism is necessary when dealing with Netanyahu, whom Tillerson called „a bit Machiavellian.“

27.01.2019 - 02:01 [ Information Clearing House ]

Former Bush Mideast Adviser named U.S. special envoy for Venezuela

During the 2016 Republican primary, he opposed the nomination of Donald Trump, and stated that Trump wasn’t worthy of leading the party of Reagan and Abraham Lincoln. These statements led Trump to veto an attempt by the previous Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, to appoint Abrams to a senior State Department position in 2017.