Archiv: Pablo Iglesias

25.09.2022 - 13:58 [ ]

Italy’s Election Is Dominated by Postfascists — but the Left Is Raising Its Head

In this carousel of Italian politics, the Left has remained out of the picture for too long. It has not been in parliament since 2008, with the exception of small lists in alliance with the Partito Democratico or MPs who quit other parties. It has thus been fourteen years since an independent left has had its own parliamentary representation in Italy. It is an even greater tragedy if we remember that Italy once had the largest Communist Party in Western Europe and a Left whose presence extended from social movements and trade unions to the world of culture.

This time, however, something has moved. With the launch of Unione Popolare, the Italian left is trying to reorganize itself to return to the political scene.

21.05.2020 - 06:33 [ ZDF ]

Lockdown verlängert – Proteste in Spanien

Nur kurz nach der Abstimmung gingen Lockdown-Kritiker und Gegner der Regierung in Madrid und anderen Städten an die Fenster, auf die Balkone und zum Teil auch auf die Straßen, um lautstark zu protestieren. Sie machten ihrem Ärger Luft, indem sie auf Töpfe schlugen und „Freiheit, Freiheit!“ skandierten. Viele schwenkten spanische Fahnen, andere waren in die Landesflagge gehüllt.

21.05.2020 - 06:25 [ ]

Sevilla ya es un clamor: cientos de personas marchan por cuarto día contra Sánchez


Varios cientos de personas se han vuelto a juntar este miércoles para protestar contra el Gobierno de un Pedro Sánchez del que exigen su dimisión. Se trata de la cuarta movilización celebrada en Sevilla contra el Ejecutivo.

21.05.2020 - 06:20 [ El Pais ]

Hundreds of Spaniards march against government despite social-distancing rules

The protests in Madrid intensified over the weekend, after health authorities on Friday rejected the region’s request to move to the next phase of the coronavirus deescalation plan. While much of the country is now in Phase 1, which allows some degree of social interaction and the reopening of some businesses, Madrid remains in Phase 0, although a few restrictions have been eased.

21.05.2020 - 06:15 [ / Twitter ]

La rebelión ciudadana se extiende a toda España: clamor general contra Sánchez e Iglesias


21.05.2020 - 06:07 [ El Pais ]

Obligatory use of face masks in Spain: What you need to know about the new rules

According to the ministerial order, published Wednesday in the Official State Gazette (BOE), face masks must be worn in the “public street, in open-air spaces and any closed space that is for public use or that is open to the public, where it is not possible to maintain [an interpersonal] distance” of two meters.

The new rules apply to everyone over the age of six. The use of face masks is also recommended for children between three and five years of age.

21.08.2019 - 05:17 [ ]

Auch Spanien steuert auf Neuwahlen zu

Nach Italien steuert auch Spanien auf Neuwahlen zu. Am Dienstag lehnten die Sozialisten (PSOE) das neue Koalitionsangebot der linken Parteiallianz Unidas Podemos (UP) ab. „Wir schätzen den Vorschlag, der uns programmatisch sehr nahesteht, sehen eine Regierungskoalition allerdings für undurchführbar”, heißt es in einem nur wenige Stunden später veröffentlichten Antwortschreiben der Sozialisten.