Archiv: Middle East Monitor (media)

06.12.2023 - 08:59 [ Middle East Monitor ]

Israel installs pumps in Gaza to flood tunnels ‘no one has been in before’

/December 5, 2023)

“We are not sure how successful pumping will be since nobody knows the details of the tunnels and the ground around them,” a source told the Wall Street Journal. “It’s impossible to know if that will be effective because we don’t know how seawater will drain in tunnels no one has been in before.”

According to the report, US officials were briefed on the plan, but are uncertain about how close Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government is to implementing it.

06.12.2023 - 08:55 [ Middle East Monitor ]

Israel-Palestine war: Israel plans to flood Hamas tunnels with nerve gas, source says

(25 October 2023)

Middle East Eye cannot independently verify the information in the leak.

„The plan hinges on the element of surprise so as to decisively win the battle, using internationally forbidden gases, particularly nerve gas, and chemical weapons. Large quantities of nerve gas would be pumped into the tunnels,“ the source said.

The source added that the US Delta Force will oversee „large quantities of nerve gas being pumped into Hamas tunnels, capable of paralysing the bodily movement for a period of time between six and 12 hours.