Archiv: Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste (FE)

16.11.2020 - 11:14 [ ]

U.S spied on allies, including Netherlands, through Denmark

According to the Danish broadcaster, the NSA and Danish military service FE signed an agreement in 2008, which stated that the Americans would help Denmark tap internet cables in the European country. In return, the NSA gained access to internet cables to Eastern Europe. Together they processed the data in a data center near Copenhagen Airport, which was built for that purpose.

But the United States also used that internet access to spy on Denmark itself, and surrounding countries including the Netherlands, Germany and Sweden, the whistleblower, a former employee of the FE, said to DR.

16.11.2020 - 11:11 [ ]

The head of Denmark’s spy program has been fired for snooping on citizens and lying about it


The government in Denmark has fired 3 top officials from the country’s foreign intelligence agency, the Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste (FE), following revelations from a whistleblower. The officials, including the head of the agency, Lars Finden, have been “relieved of duty for the time being” following the release of a trove of documents. The documents detailed that the FE has been illegally spying on Danish citizens in the last six years and were released by an unnamed whistleblower to the independent regulator of Danish security services which is known as Tilsynet med Efterretningstjenesterne (TET).

16.11.2020 - 11:03 [ ]

Dänemark hilft NSA beim Ausspähen von Dänen

Denn genau wie der deutsche Bundesnachrichtendienst ist auch der dänische Auslandsgeheimdienst, der zugleich der militärische Geheimdienst des Landes ist, vor Jahren eine Kooperation mit der National Security Agency eingegangen. Und genau wie einst dem BND droht durch diese Kooperation nun dem dänischen Dienst, ja dem gesamten Land ein Skandal: Denn offenbar ist längst nicht alles legal, was dort geschieht.