Archiv: US Cyber Command (Cybercom)

02.03.2023 - 14:52 [ ]

Commander of the US National Cyber Mission Force is coming to Chisinau

William J. Hartman will meet with Chisinau officials to discuss „cooperation between the United States and the Republic of Moldova in countering new and emerging cyber threats,“ the source said.

25.09.2022 - 17:26 [ ]

Covert Military Information Operations and the New NDAA: The Law of the Gray Zone Evolves

(December 10, 2019)

Section 1631(b) expressly affirms that the Defense Department can conduct “military operations” in the information environment, “including clandestine operations,” for certain purposes. I’ll have more to say about that reference to “clandestine” below. First, let’s note the broad list of purposes.

The military’s role comes into play in three scenarios. First, defense of the United States itself. Second, defense of allies. Third, defense of the “interests” of the United States. The statute notably does not clarify what nature or degree of threats to these objects count, and so the invitation can only be described as quite broad.

25.09.2022 - 17:00 [ Washington Post ]

Pentagon opens sweeping review of clandestine psychological operations

(September 19, 2022)

The measure, known as Section 1631, allows the military to carry out clandestine psychological operations without crossing what the CIA has claimed as its covert authority, alleviating some of the friction that had hindered such operations previously.

“Combatant commanders got really excited,” recalled the first defense official. “They were very eager to utilize these new authorities. The defense contractors were equally eager to land lucrative classified contracts to enable clandestine influence operations.”

25.09.2022 - 16:54 [ Max Blumenthal / Nitter ]

After Congress passed Section 1631 allowing the military to conduct covert online propaganda, the Pentagon created droves of accounts spreading fake news against designated enemies, including one claiming Iran was harvesting organs in Afghanistan


03.01.2014 - 09:52 [ Wired ]

Shady Companies With Ties to Israel Wiretap the U.S. for the NSA

(3.April 2012) Closer to home, in May, Fort Meade will close its 27-hole golf course to make room for a massive $2 billion, 1.8-million-square-foot expansion of the NSA’s headquarters, including a cybercommand complex and a new supercomputer center expected to cost nearly $1 billion. (..)
In a rare and candid admission to Forbes, Retired Brig. Gen. Hanan Gefen, a former commander of the highly secret Unit 8200, Israel’s NSA, noted his former organization’s influence on Comverse, which owns Verint, as well as other Israeli companies that dominate the U.S. eavesdropping and surveillance market.