Archiv: Tal Abyad (Tell Abyad)

23.10.2019 - 17:24 [ Kreml ]

Memorandum of Understanding Between Turkey and the Russian Federation

1. The two sides reiterate their commitment to the preservation of the political unity and territorial integrity of Syria and the protection of national security of Turkey.

2. They emphasize their determination to combat terrorism in all forms and manifestations and to disrupt separatist agendas in the Syrian territory.

3. In this framework, the established status quo in the current Operation Peace Spring area covering Tel Abyad and Ras Al Ayn with a depth of 32 km will be preserved.

18.10.2019 - 19:35 [ Lawk Ghafuri, Reporter/Analyst covering Iraq for @RudawEnglish / Twitter ]

This is the signed paper deal btw #SDF & #Damascus regarding the distribution of regime army in Northern #Syria: – SAA to be stationed in #Manbij frontline toward #Kobani & all the way to west Tal Abyad. – In Tal Tamir toward Ras al-Ain all the way to #Qamishlo & south of Derik.


12.10.2019 - 09:42 [ ]

Turkish-backed militants capture new towns amid push to encircle Tal Abyad

According to reports from northern Syria, the Turkish Army and their militant allies are attempting to encircle Tal Abyad before making the push to capture the city from the Syrian Democratic Forces.

If they are successful in capturing Tal Abyad, the Turkish Army will be only a short distance away from Raqqa city.

07.10.2019 - 13:37 [ New York Times ]

Trump Endorses Turkish Military Operation in Syria, Shifting U.S. Policy

On Monday, witnesses in Syria saw United States forces withdrawing from two positions in northeastern Syria: observation posts in Tel Abyad and Ein Eissa.

06.10.2019 - 12:01 [ ]

Turkish troops & armored vehicles amass at Syrian border after Erdogan announces IMMINENT incursion (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)

Military convoys were captured in dozens of photos and videos, confirming the Turkish leader’s claim that preparations have been finalized to establish a so-called ‘safe zone’ on Syrian soil along the Turkish border and that the operation could be launched “as soon as today or tomorrow.”

Additional armored vehicles and troops were sent to the border town of Akcakale, across from Tal Abyad in Syria, state television TRT confirms.

06.10.2019 - 11:52 [ North Press Agency ‏/ Twitter ]

A U.S. patrol of seven armored vehicles heading from Tal Abyad to Ras al-Ain, adjacent to the Turkish borders within the proposed areas of security mechanism, accompanied with Coalition fighter-jets and reconnaissance aircraft overflights.

06.10.2019 - 11:51 [ ]

The International Coalition Warplanes are extensively flying over Tal Abyad

(17 hours ago)