Archiv: Stephen Miller

09.05.2020 - 05:59 [ CNN ]

Trump sought a reopening but found the virus in the White House instead

President Donald Trump hoped this would be the week he emerged into a nation recovering from pandemic. Instead the pandemic came to him.

09.05.2020 - 05:39 [ ]

Sprecherin von US-Vizepräsident Pence positiv getestet

„Sie wurde kürzlich getestet, und der Test war negativ, und dann wurde sie heute aus irgendeinem Grund positiv getestet“, sagte Trump gestern im Weißen Haus bei einem Treffen mit republikanischen Senatoren und Abgeordneten. Pence sei seither erneut negativ getestet worden und treffe alle nötigen Vorsichtsmaßnahmen, sagte er weiter.

09.05.2020 - 05:33 [ the Hill ]

Positive coronavirus cases shake White House

Miller’s positive test prompted the vice president to delay his takeoff for a trip to Iowa. Six staffers who may have had contact with her deplaned, and all six later tested negative for the virus.

The positive tests reflect the dangers of the virus spreading inside the White House complex, and it further called into question what measures are being taken to try and limit the exposure of the top two elected officials in American government.

09.05.2020 - 05:17 [ the Hill ]

Pence press secretary Katie Miller tests positive for coronavirus

Miller is one of Pence‘s closest aides and is married to Stephen Miller, one of Trump‘s senior advisers.

17.11.2019 - 03:13 [ Evan Rosenfeld, Social Media Editor @NBCNews/@MSNBC / Twitter ]

“If we have a white nationalist at the helm of US immigration policy, policy will become increasingly more fascistic,” @AOC tells @chrislhayes. “So long as Stephen Miller is in charge… hundreds of thousands of people‘s lives are going to be in danger.“

01.06.2019 - 08:39 [ Cas Mudde / Twitter ]

Stephen Miller is 100 times more important than Steve Bannon (ever was), yet Steve Bannon gets 100 times more media attention than Stephen Miller. The explanation? Bannon approaches the media, Miller does not. Lazy journalism has political consequences!

01.06.2019 - 08:36 [ Washington Post ]

Before Trump’s purge at DHS, top officials challenged plan for mass family arrests


Senior Trump adviser Stephen Miller and ICE Deputy Director Matthew Albence were especially supportive of the plan, officials said, eager to execute dramatic, highly visible mass arrests that they argued would help deter the soaring influx of families.

01.06.2019 - 08:32 [ Washington Post ]

Trump defies close advisers in deciding to threaten Mexico with disruptive tariffs

The arguments against the tariffs — voiced internally by Kushner, Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin — did little to dissuade Trump, and Kushner was asked to call Mexican officials to inform them of the impending threat.

After the Wednesday night meeting in the Oval Office, the tariff order was finalized by the White House counsel and the office of Stephen Miller, a senior White House adviser and immigration hard-liner who oversees domestic policy.

22.06.2018 - 14:01 [ Haaretz ]

Trump Adviser Rips Into Stephen Miller: ‚He‘s Waffen-SS‘

Stephen Miller, the 32-year-old White House adviser, has ignited a political firestorm in the United States as the Trump administration‘s immigration policy of separating migrant children from their parents and detentions in cages is putting pressure on the nation.

Miller himself is reportedly happy with how things are going, which led one fellow staffer to equate his behavior to that of the Nazi SS, Vanity Fair reported Wednesday.