Archiv: Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco)

22.01.2020 - 04:11 [ junge Welt ]

Zurück nach Hause

Der rund 30 Tonnen schwere Findling war 1998 aus der Gran Sabana im Südosten Venezuelas abtransportiert und im Berliner Tiergarten aufgestellt worden.

07.01.2020 - 09:05 [ ]

UN cultural agency chief meets with Iran ambassador amid current tensions

UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay and Iranian Ambassador to the UN agency, Ahmad Jalali, met in Paris against a background of mounting threats between his country and the United States.

04.05.2019 - 18:41 [ WSWS ]

Politicians celebrate “World Press Freedom Day” as Julian Assange languishes in prison

The “right honourable” Mr. Hunt was one of the British government officials responsible for the brutal seizure and incarceration of Assange April 11. Following the WikiLeaks publisher’s arrest, Hunt said in a statement, “What we’ve shown today is that no one is above the law. Julian Assange is no hero. He has hidden from the truth for years and years and it is right that his future should be decided in the British judicial system.”

10.02.2019 - 01:11 [ teleSUR ]

Evo Morales Will Host ‚Year of Indigenous Languages‘: UN

22.1.2019 Last year, the Atlas of Language at Risk warned that 190 Indigenous languages in Brazil were at risk of extinction. The data, organized by the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, or Unesco, also indicates that Brazil is the second country, only behind the United States, with the largest number of languages at risk of extinction.