Archiv: Ring (corporation / home spying)

22.03.2023 - 19:35 [ ]

The privacy loophole in your doorbell


Larkin, now incensed that police were requesting footage from inside his home for an investigation that didn’t even involve him, wanted to fight the warrant. He estimated that a lawyer would have been too expensive, and he only had about seven days to challenge it before Ring would comply. He still doesn’t understand how a judge could have signed off on a warrant asking for footage from a camera inside his home, when the investigation was on his neighbor.

“That says to me that the cops can go in and subpoena anybody, no matter how weak their evidence is,” he said.

22.03.2023 - 19:05 [ ]

Amazon Ring: Selbst Wohnzimmer-Aufnahmen sind nicht vor Polizei sicher


Michael Larkin erzählt Politico, dass er sich gegen die Herausgabe seiner privaten Aufnahmen wehren wollte. Schließlich sollte sie für eine Ermittlung genutzt werden, in der er nicht einmal Verdächtiger war. Doch Larkin konnte sich keinen Anwalt leisten. Das Unternehmen schickte deshalb nach der kurzen Einspruchsfrist von sieben Tagen alle auf ihren Servern gespeicherten Aufnahmen an die Polizei. Zum Glück hatte Larkin die Kameras in seinem Haus so eingestellt, dass sie nur im Falle eines Einbruchs filmen. Dennoch wurde auch jede Menge Material, das Larkin selbst zeigt, an die Polizei verschickt.

„Das ist das, was mich am meisten aufregt – die Tatsache, dass ein Richter das einfach so absegnet“, sagt Larkin gegenüber Politico. „Er gibt einfach Material von mir heraus, ohne dass ich in irgendeiner Form an dem Fall beteiligt bin.“

14.12.2019 - 11:33 [ ]

How Hackers Are Breaking Into Ring Cameras

In a video obtained by WMC5 courtesy of the family, you can see what the hacker would have seen: A viewpoint that looms over the entire room from where the camera is installed in a far corner, looking down on their beds and dressers while they play. The hacker is heard playing the song „Tiptoe Through the Tulips“ through the device‘s speakers, and when one of the daughters, who is eight years old, stops and asks who‘s there, the hacker says, „It‘s Santa. It‘s your best friend.“

14.12.2019 - 11:26 [ ABC News ]

Ring security camera hacks see homeowners subjected to racial abuse, ransom demands

Multiple U.S. families have reported incidents of Ring camera systems being hacked in recent days, raising questions as to whether the systems are allowing hackers access to people‘s homes, without ever having to set foot inside.

Owners of Ring security cameras in Mississippi, Georgia, Florida and Texas have reported incidents where hackers tormented families with racial slurs, encouraged children into destructive behavior and demanded a ransom in Bitcoin.