Archiv: Oliver Stone

06.04.2023 - 05:10 [ ]

JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass review – Oliver Stone returns to the grassy knoll

(24 Nov 2021)

But, exasperatingly, and despite speculation being the order of the day, the film never attempts to name any supposed second or third shooter, to say exactly where these gunmen would have been positioned, and how the inevitable witnesses to their activity would have been suppressed. The old question reasserts itself: can you do this with any historical event? Could you, with enough time, undermine the case against Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo in 1914?

02.11.2020 - 11:28 [ Oliver Stone / Twitter ]

(2/3) @ggreenwald & I don’t support the #Republicans, but we’re sick and tired of the irrational #censorship going on in America. This sordid affair is groundbreaking. Never before has there been this kind of 4-year marriage of #DemocraticParty to the intelligence agencies.