Archiv: Nick Brana

18.05.2022 - 07:08 [ ]

People’s Party Blocks Liberal Takeover Attempt


Other members of the board and I were told that any attempt to intervene in the hijacking of the party’s message and purpose, including holding a party-wide vote on vaccine mandates, would be construed as “retaliation” against the accuser, in further acts of collusion between her and those on the board.

When the hostile members of the board and contractors realized that the investigation was not going their way, they encouraged the accuser to escalate her claims. The accuser’s original complaint had not even used the words “sexual harassment,” but they told her to allege rape. This shocked the investigative committee, and one of the members later told me, “Every time I spoke with her, I got a different story. Every time I spoke with you, I heard the same thing.” Another member of the investigative committee put together a list of dozens of inconsistencies between her own accounts.

The original investigation was supposed to last about a week, but because it had not arrived at the predetermined conclusion sought by the hostile board members, they prolonged it week after week for two months, pressuring committee members to alter their conclusions, attempting to censor and expel committee members who objected to the political motives behind the allegations, fabricating new charges of “retaliation” for supporting a party-wide vote on vaccine mandates, and most seriously, engaging in a sustained campaign to replace the legal board of the organization with a partial one that subtracted Rodrigo and me, an attempt that our General Council affirmed was illegal.

Had there been any actual evidence, the investigation would have concluded quickly. Because there was none, they resorted to manufacturing the new charges, further revealing their political motives. But the more her allegations fell apart, the more brazen the hostile faction on the board became. They abandoned their responsibilities in other areas of the party, including organizing, tech, and finance, and focused obsessively on attempting to remove me.

Meanwhile, they were also trying to enact their liberal agenda on the National Organizing Committee. They inserted a provision into the draft charter of the People’s National Committee which would have allowed registered Democrats to control every seat on about forty People’s Party state committees and a supermajority on our national committee, effectively inviting Democratic Party infiltrators. When populist delegates overwhelmingly struck down their provision, they were furious.

17.08.2020 - 14:27 [ Movement for a People´s Party ]


One week after the Democratic and Republican national conventions, people from all walks of life will come together to discuss the state of the nation and plans to form a major new political party in America. A party free of corporate money and influence. A people’s party.

Join us on Sunday, August 30, from 4-6 pm Eastern Time for The People’s Convention.

The Convention will be digital and broadcast live to YouTube, Facebook and Twitter pages with well over a million subscribers and followers. Sign up for more information and updates.

17.08.2020 - 14:21 [ Jamie York, Antiwar Veteran / Twitter ]

Vote for who you want in 2020, but It’s time to help build the People’s Party. The convention is Aug. 30 with Nina Turner, Cornel West, Ryan Knight, and Jimmy Dore speaking. Register to participate.

12.08.2020 - 08:21 [ Movement for a People´s Party ]


One week after the Democratic and Republican national conventions, people from all walks of life will come together to discuss the state of the nation and plans to form a major new political party in America. A party free of corporate money and influence. A people’s party.

Join us on Sunday, August 30, from 4-6 pm Eastern Time for The People’s Convention.

The Convention will be digital and broadcast live to YouTube, Facebook and Twitter pages with well over a million subscribers and followers. Sign up for more information and updates.

10.08.2020 - 06:11 [ Movement for a People´s Party ]


One week after the Democratic and Republican national conventions, people from all walks of life will come together to discuss the state of the nation and plans to form a major new political party in America. A party free of corporate money and influence. A people’s party.

Join us on Sunday, August 30, from 4-6 pm Eastern Time for The People’s Convention.

The Convention will be digital and broadcast live to YouTube, Facebook and Twitter pages with well over a million subscribers and followers. Sign up for more information and updates.

10.08.2020 - 06:05 [ Ryan Knight / Twitter ]

America is not dying because of one corrupt president. It’s dying because our entire system is corrupt. We live in an oligarchy where both major parties serve the ruling class. It is time to build a party that serves the working class. #PeoplesConvention


12.04.2020 - 20:19 [ The Jimmy Dore Show / Youtube ]

Working Class 3rd Party Is Forming In America!

12.04.2020 - 19:59 [ Nick Brana - #DemExit #PeoplesParty / Twitter ]

It‘s time to accept that, for the Democratic Party, defeating Trump is secondary to defeating progressives. The past few weeks have made clear that they will go to **any** lengths to hold power. They do not care how much it damages or delegitimizes their party. Enough #DemExit
