Archiv: Amber Rudd

09.09.2019 - 17:40 [ Spiked ]

The shameless whitewashing of right-wing Remoaners

Amber Rudd deported innocent black Britons but is still beloved by migrant-loving Remoaners.

08.09.2019 - 11:42 [ Guido Fwkes ]

Is Rudd Resignation Really a Big Loss?

Amber Rudd was the least satisfactory member of the Cabinet in the eyes of Conservatives, according to the latest ConservativeHome polling. Pundits claiming Amber resigning will be a “huge loss for the Conservative Party” don’t understand the party or the reboot that is underway to align the party more closely with Brexit voters.

08.09.2019 - 11:38 [ ]

Amber Rudd quits Cabinet and Conservative Party over ‚culling‘ of rebel MPs

The Work and Pensions Secretary accused the Prime Minister of „an assault on decency and democracy“ over the sacking of 21 Tory MPs who backed moves to prevent the UK leaving the EU without a deal.

Ms Rudd said Mr Johnson was guilty of „political vandalism“ and claimed Number 10 was now pursuing no-deal as official government policy.

14.07.2019 - 18:16 [ Daily Mail ]

Remainer Amber Rudd says she won‘t ‚lie down in front of the bulldozers‘ to stop No Deal Brexit as she makes desperate pitch to keep her Cabinet job under Boris Johnson

Amber Rudd today made a desperate bid to keep her Cabinet job under Boris Johnson – saying she will not ‚lie down in front of bulldozers‘ to stop No Deal.

The Work and Pensions Secretary admitted she had shifted position on leaving the EU without an agreement, saying ‚circumstances have changed‘,

14.03.2019 - 13:39 [ ]

Brexit mutiny: May‘s chief of staff accused of ‚going rogue‘ over Remain plot to kill no deal

Gavin Barwell was accused of going “rogue” and over-ruling whips amid an increasing clamour for the 13 ministers who voted against the Government to be sacked.

A Gang of Four Cabinet ministers – Business secretary Greg Clark, Justice Secretary David Gauke, Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd and Scottish Secretary David Mundell – were among 18 people on the Government payroll to defy a three-line whip on a motion to take no deal off the table. It is unclear who – if anyone – instructed them that they could abstain. …

28.01.2019 - 07:14 [ John Mann, Labour MP for Bassetlaw / ]

JOHN MANN: Why it would be catastrophic if Remainers Dominic Grieve, John Bercow, Keir Starmer and Amber Rudd succeed in delaying or halting Brexit

A country, proud and independent, standing on its own two feet, ­confident again in our democracy, bold enough to compete by being the best, British workers making high- quality products and delivering high-quality services.

A country that says it will be the best by having better pay, conditions and a healthier environment than anyone else in Europe or worldwide.

Is that not something to be confident in voting for, my fellow MPs? Let’s get on with it.

16.12.2018 - 06:41 [ ]

Theresa May must ‚try something different‘ to get Brexit deal through Parliament, Amber Rudd says

(15.12.2018) Ms Rudd is one of five ministers, alongside Philip Hammond, David Lidington, David Gauke and Greg Clark, who are said to be urging Ms May to hold a series of “indicative votes” on the various Brexit outcomes, including the possibility of another referendum, to find a plan that could command a Commons majority.

Her article is the first time a cabinet minister has publicly urged the prime minister to change tack.

30.11.2018 - 08:46 [ Sun ]

Britain needs LEADERS not idiots to sort out this Brexit deal and the fooling around must stop

There is no such thing as a ‚soft Brexit‘ and ‚fulfilling the vote‘ now requires preparing for a clean break and counteracting the inevitable short-term disruption, writes Steve Hilton