Archiv: Qamar Javed Bajwa

10.04.2022 - 10:11 [ Washington Post ]

Why Pakistan’s Leader Is Facing the Risk of Ouster

(April 8, 2022)

Pakistan’s military has outsized power for a country conceived as a democracy. There have been three successful military coups. When Khan became prime minister, it was only the second time since Pakistan achieved independence in 1947 that a civilian administration had transferred power to another. Even when elected governments have ruled, the military, especially the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency, has played a forceful role.


Khan, who has been critical of the U.S. while seeking better relations with Russia and China, has said he would continue to pursue an “independent” foreign policy. His opponents have vowed to improve ties with the U.S. and Europe if they win.

10.04.2022 - 09:58 [ Hindustan Times ]

Imran Khan attempted to sack Pakistan army chief Gen Bajwa: Report

According to BBC Urdu, “two uninvited guests” reached the Prime Minister’s House, which was blanketed in extraordinary security, by helicopter on Saturday night and met Khan in private for about 15 minutes. An hour before this meeting, Khan had ordered the removal of a senior official who was at the meeting, the report said.

However, an official notification was not issued by the defence ministry for dismissing this senior official and appointing his successor, “thus thwarting the Prime Minister’s House’s attempt at a ‘revolutionary’ change”, the report said

22.07.2019 - 20:55 [ ]

Trump Says U.S. Working With Pakistan to Find Way Out of Afghan War

The Pentagon said Pakistan‘s army chief, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, will meet later on Monday with the top American military officer, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford.