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23.08.2023 - 08:10 [ Le Monde ]

The BRICS countries aim to knock the dollar off its throne

Dethrone the dollar, the symbol of Western hegemony. As ambitious as it is complex, this objective will be one of those addressed at the summit of BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) from Tuesday, August 22 to Thursday, August 24 in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The heads of state in attendance (South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, his Chinese and Brazilian counterparts Xi Jinping and Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov) will also be discussing the expansion of their bloc to include other countries, particularly African ones.

22.08.2023 - 15:14 [ Washington Post ]

A Saudi-Israeli Peace Deal? Who Wants What and Why

The main thing the Saudis would get in exchange — security guarantees — wouldn’t come from Israel but from its closest ally — the US. Israel, a high-tech power, would play a major role in ambitious Saudi plans to move its economy beyond oil. It would also be expected to make concessions to the Palestinian self-ruling authority in the West Bank. The US would regain some of its influence over Saudi Arabia, stemming efforts by China to expand its sway in the Middle East. The deal offers significant rewards to all four governments, not least of them additional ways of dealing with Iranian military activity in the region. But the prospect of the pact stirs populist forces among all of their constituencies, posing risks to those in power.

17.08.2023 - 18:35 [ Haaretz ]

‘Despicable and Reckless’ That Netanyahu Won’t Commit to Obeying the Rule of Law

Plesner looks ahead to the Knesset session in the fall and, before that, the upcoming petitions against the law in the Supreme Court (sitting as the High Court of Justice). He also reacts to Netanyahu’s refusal to state – in response to a question he was asked on both CNN and Fox News – that he would abide by any potential Supreme Court ruling striking down the reasonableness law that was passed last week.

11.08.2023 - 15:13 [ Haaretz ]

Only a Saudi Deal Can Save Netanyahu From Catastrophe – and Biden Holds the Key

Without a normalization deal with Saudi Arabia, the Israeli prime minister‘s situation in the polls will remain dire and the economy will weaken further. Biden needs to tell him: If you want an agreement with Riyadh, stop the coup