Archiv: Orbit / Umlaufbahnen (Weltraumobjekte) / orbits (of space objects)

14.06.2023 - 12:50 [ ]

What Spacecraft Will Enter Interstellar Space Next?

(January 30, 2019)

This milestone — reaching interstellar space — can be considered leaving the solar system by a certain definition. Let‘s be clear about what that entails. In 1990, the New York Times reported that Pioneer was reported to leave the solar system when it flew past Neptune‘s orbit. That‘s not what Voyager 2‘s scientists used to make their determination, however. Instead, the more recent measurements consider the crossing of the sun‘s heliopause, the theoretical boundary to its heliosphere, to be the determining factor for entering interstellar space. The heliosphere is a bubble of charged particles created by and flowing past the sun. Scientists use it to mark where interstellar space begins.

14.06.2023 - 12:47 [ ]

Raumsonde „Pioneer 10“ 40 Jahre aus Sonnensystem heraus

Am 13. Juni 1983 durchflog „Pioneer 10“ die Umlaufbahn des Neptun und wurde so laut NASA zum ersten menschengemachten Raumschiff, das am weitestentfernten bekannten Planeten unseres Sonnensystems vorbeiflog. Neptun ist im Mittel etwa 4,5 Milliarden Kilometer von der Sonne entfernt.

Mit „Pioneer 11“ und den beiden „Voyager“-Sonden folgten später ähnliche Missionen. „Voyager 1“ überholte „Pioneer 10“ schließlich als am weitesten von der Erde entferntes menschengemachtes Objekt. Zum bisher letzten Mal schickte „Pioneer 10“ im Jänner 2003 Daten, ein Kontaktversuch im März 2006 scheiterte.

10.08.2021 - 13:29 [ American Geophysical Union / Science Daily ]

Ancient shell shows days were half-hour shorter 70 million years ago

(March 9, 2020)

The length of a year has been constant over Earth‘s history, because Earth‘s orbit around the Sun does not change.

10.08.2021 - 12:48 [ National Aeronautics and Space Administration ]

NASA Team Studies Middle-aged Sun by Tracking Motion of Mercury


Like the waistband of a couch potato in midlife, the orbits of planets in our solar system are expanding. It happens because the Sun’s gravitational grip gradually weakens as our star ages and loses mass.

10.08.2021 - 12:44 [ Forbes ]

Earth Is Drifting Away From The Sun, And So Are All The Planets

(Jan 3, 2019)

Deep inside the Sun, the process of nuclear fusion occurs. Every second, the Sun emits some 3.846 × 1026 joules of energy, which are released via the conversion of mass into energy in the core. Einstein‘s E = mc2 is the root cause, nuclear fusion is the process, and the continuous emission of energy from the Sun is the result. This energy is the underlying process that powers practically every biologically interesting process occurring on Earth.

08.07.2021 - 19:33 [ ]

Der Sternenhimmel gehört uns allen – und nicht Elon Musk und Jeff Bezos

Bislang sendet die deutsche Politik das falsche Signal: Anstatt Sternenhimmel, Wissenschaft und den Zugang zum Weltall zu schützen, fördert sie den Zugang zum Satelliteninternet, um die Löcher in der deutschen Breitbandlandschaft zu stopfen.

07.05.2021 - 10:30 [ ]

Chinesische Weltraumrakete: USA planen keinen Abschuss

„Wir können eine Menge Dinge tun, aber wir haben derzeit keinen Plan, sie abzuschießen“, sagte Verteidigungsminister Lloyd Austin gestern. Mit dem Absturz rechnet das Pentagon morgen oder am Sonntag. Eine exakte Absturzstelle sei schwer vorherzusagen.

15.09.2020 - 18:00 [ CNN ]

In Earth‘s early history, a day was 23.5 hours and a year lasted 372 days


We‘ve long known that an Earth day lasts 24 hours, and that remains constant because Earth‘s trip around the sun doesn‘t vary.

However, the number of days that make an Earth year have shifted and shortened because days have grown longer. That is thanks to the moon‘s gravity, which draws on ocean‘s tides and slows Earth‘s rate of rotation.

15.09.2020 - 18:00 [ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung ]

Eine Schaltsekunde mehr Zeit


Wie unregelmäßig sich die Erde dreht, sieht man daran, dass zwischen 1999 und 2006 sieben Jahre vergehen mussten, bis eine Schaltsekunde nötig wurde; diesmal sind es nur drei Jahre.

15.09.2020 - 17:10 [ CBS News ]

On-Time Earth Baffles Scientists

(31. März 2003)

To make the world’s official time agree with where the Earth actually is in space, scientists in 1972 started adding an extra „leap second“ on the last day of the year.

For 28 years, scientists repeated the procedure. But in 1999, they discovered the Earth was no longer lagging behind.

At the National Institute for Science and Technology in Boulder, spokesman Fred McGehan said most scientists agree the Earth’s orbit around the sun has been gradually slowing for millennia. But he said they don’t have a good explanation for why it’s suddenly on schedule.

15.09.2020 - 16:58 [ Newsweek ]

NASA Shows Einstein Was Right: Our Sun Is Losing Mass – and Its Grip on Our Solar System


As our sun gets older, it‘s losing mass, and so its gravitational pull becomes weaker. As a result, the orbits of all the planets in our solar system are expanding, not unlike „the waistband of a couch potato in midlife,“ according to a new NASA press statement.

A team of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Maryland and the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center has shown that the aging sun is behaving according to Albert Einstein‘s theory of general relativity.

15.09.2020 - 16:53 [ National Aeronautics and Space Administration ]

NASA Team Studies Middle-aged Sun by Tracking Motion of Mercury


Like the waistband of a couch potato in midlife, the orbits of planets in our solar system are expanding. It happens because the Sun’s gravitational grip gradually weakens as our star ages and loses mass.

15.09.2020 - 16:49 [ ]

The Orbits Of All The Planets In Our Solar System Are Expanding As The Sun Gets Older, Study On Mercury’s Orbit Reveals


“Mercury is the perfect test object for these experiments because it is so sensitive to the gravitational effect and activity of the Sun,” explained Antonio Genova, the lead author of the study and a MIT researcher working at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.

Researchers were able to make these calculations from the data gathered by NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft which made three ‘flybys’ of Mercury in 2008 and 2009 and orbited Mercury between March 2011 and April 2015 before it crashed into Mercury in 2015, Mail noted.

08.07.2020 - 11:13 [ ORF ]

Komet mit freiem Auge sichtbar

Derzeit zieht der Komet Neowise an der Erde vorbei. Er kommt unserem Planeten so nah, dass er und sein Schweif mit bloßem Auge sichtbar ist.

21.06.2020 - 18:44 [ NASA / Twitter ]

There’s a lot to spot in the sky this month. Turn an eye upwards to find:

The Northern Hemisphere’s #SummerSolstice in full swing
The Summer Triangle of stars in the East
Morning planetary views of Mars, Jupiter & Venus

And more!

13.03.2020 - 08:57 [ National Aeronautics and Space Administration ]

NASA Team Studies Middle-aged Sun by Tracking Motion of Mercury


Like the waistband of a couch potato in midlife, the orbits of planets in our solar system are expanding. It happens because the Sun’s gravitational grip gradually weakens as our star ages and loses mass.

13.03.2020 - 08:53 [ Newsweek ]

NASA Shows Einstein Was Right: Our Sun Is Losing Mass—and Its Grip on Our Solar System


As our sun gets older, it’s losing mass, and so its gravitational pull becomes weaker. As a result, the orbits of all the planets in our solar system are expanding, not unlike „the waistband of a couch potato in midlife,“ according to a new NASA press statement.

A team of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Maryland and the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center has shown that the aging sun is behaving according to Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity.

13.03.2020 - 08:50 [ CBS News ]

On-Time Earth Baffles Scientists

(31. März 2003)

To make the world’s official time agree with where the Earth actually is in space, scientists in 1972 started adding an extra „leap second“ on the last day of the year.

For 28 years, scientists repeated the procedure. But in 1999, they discovered the Earth was no longer lagging behind.

At the National Institute for Science and Technology in Boulder, spokesman Fred McGehan said most scientists agree the Earth’s orbit around the sun has been gradually slowing for millennia. But he said they don’t have a good explanation for why it’s suddenly on schedule.

13.03.2020 - 08:41 [ CNN ]

In Earth‘s early history, a day was 23.5 hours and a year lasted 372 days


We‘ve long known that an Earth day lasts 24 hours, and that remains constant because Earth‘s trip around the sun doesn‘t vary.

28.02.2020 - 18:35 [ USA Today ]

‚Mini-moon‘ the size of a car discovered orbiting Earth. But it won‘t be there for long.

After billions of years, it looks like the moon found some temporary company in the form of a „mini-moon“ that recently entered the Earth‘s orbit.

The discovery was made the night of Feb. 15 by Senior Research Specialist Kacper Wierzchos and Research Specialist Theodore Pruyne, both with the Catalina Sky Survey at the University of Arizona College of Science.

22.01.2020 - 22:02 [ Dr. Jessie Christiansen ‏/ Twitter ]

I have always been interested in galactic archaeology, but I don‘t think this is what they meant. Did you know that dinosaurs lived on the other side of the Galaxy?


06.01.2020 - 03:32 [ Xinhuanet ]

China‘s heaviest satellite positioned in geosynchronous orbit

China‘s heaviest and most advanced satellite, Shijian-20, reached its fixed position in geosynchronous orbit Sunday, marking the first successful flight of DFH-5 satellite platform, according to the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.

02.01.2020 - 16:57 [ Dr. Jessie Christiansen ‏/ Twitter ]

I have always been interested in galactic archaeology, but I don‘t think this is what they meant. Did you know that dinosaurs lived on the other side of the Galaxy?


18.11.2019 - 05:53 [ Xinhuanet ]

China sends two global multimedia satellites into planned orbit

They are mainly used for the Ka-band communication technology test, and the user is a German company.

15.11.2019 - 15:31 [ Carnegie Science / Youtube ]

Hypervelocity star


The artist impression of the ejection mechanism by the supermassive black hole. Credit: James Josephides (Swinburne Astronomy Productions)

15.11.2019 - 15:21 [ Carnegie Science ]

Runaway star was ejected from the “heart of darkness”

“My favorite part of this discovery is thinking about where this star came from and where it‘s going,” said Ji. “It was born in one of the craziest places in the universe, near a supermassive black hole with lots of other nearby star friends; but it‘s going to leave our galaxy and die all alone, out in the middle of nowhere. Quite a fall from grace.”

15.11.2019 - 15:06 [ CBS News ]

Supermassive black hole throws star out of Milky Way galaxy at speed of 3.7 million mph

Five million years ago, when humanity‘s ancestors were just learning to walk upright, a star was ejected from Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, at a staggering 3.7 million mph. This month, a group of researchers spotted the superfast star traveling relatively close to Earth.

15.11.2019 - 15:00 [ ]

A NASA scientist‘s incredible animation shows how dinosaurs roamed the Earth on the other side of the Milky Way galaxy

Our sun orbits the galaxy‘s center, so many dinosaurs roamed the Earth while the planet was on the other side of the Milky Way.

Our solar system‘s orbit keeps us just the right distance from the galaxy‘s chaotic center for life to exist.

15.11.2019 - 12:27 [ Dr. Jessie Christiansen ‏/ Twitter ]

I have always been interested in galactic archaeology, but I don‘t think this is what they meant. Did you know that dinosaurs lived on the other side of the Galaxy?

11.08.2019 - 20:18 [ CBS News ]

On-Time Earth Baffles Scientists

(31. März 2003)

To make the world‘s official time agree with where the Earth actually is in space, scientists in 1972 started adding an extra „leap second“ on the last day of the year.

For 28 years, scientists repeated the procedure. But in 1999, they discovered the Earth was no longer lagging behind.

At the National Institute for Science and Technology in Boulder, spokesman Fred McGehan said most scientists agree the Earth‘s orbit around the sun has been gradually slowing for millennia. But he said they don‘t have a good explanation for why it‘s suddenly on schedule.

11.08.2019 - 19:02 [ ]

Anomalous post-newtonian terms and the secular increase of the astronomical unit


In 2004 Krasinsky and Brumberg indicated that the analysis of all available radiometric measurements of distances between the Earth and the planets, and also the observations of martian landers and orbiters, showed that the Astronomical Unit is increasing at a rate 15 ± 4 meters per century [14]. Later on, a more careful analysis by Standish has shown that the secular rate is closer to 7 ± 2 meters per century [26]. Anyway, this is by far too large to be explained by the loss of solar mass due to solar wind and electromagnetic radiation. An explanation based upon tidal friction caused by the bulge produced by Earth gravity on the Sun has been proposed [17]. However, this model has not been validated and the detailed mechanism for this tidal friction is hypothetical. A secular effect on the eccentricity of planetary motions have been also unveiled by the recent detailed analysis of the Lunar orbit. The secular increase of the eccentricity is very small but, however, is clearly within the range of precision of Lunar laser ranging. This kind of unexplained observations,
after discarding any possible conventional explanation, could give rise to an arena where the status of General Relativity as a complete theory of gravity (at least, at the macroscopic level) could be tested.

In this paper we have assumed that a conventional explanation is not possible and that an extra force term is necessary in order to incorporate this behaviour in the post-newtonian formalism.

11.08.2019 - 18:45 [ Newsweek ]

NASA Shows Einstein Was Right: Our Sun Is Losing Mass—and Its Grip on Our Solar System


As our sun gets older, it‘s losing mass, and so its gravitational pull becomes weaker. As a result, the orbits of all the planets in our solar system are expanding, not unlike „the waistband of a couch potato in midlife,“ according to a new NASA press statement.

A team of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Maryland and the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center has shown that the aging sun is behaving according to Albert Einstein‘s theory of general relativity.

11.08.2019 - 17:11 [ National Aeronautics and Space Administration ]

NASA Team Studies Middle-aged Sun by Tracking Motion of Mercury


Like the waistband of a couch potato in midlife, the orbits of planets in our solar system are expanding. It happens because the Sun’s gravitational grip gradually weakens as our star ages and loses mass.

11.08.2019 - 17:08 [ ]

The Orbits Of All The Planets In Our Solar System Are Expanding As The Sun Gets Older, Study On Mercury’s Orbit Reveals


“Mercury is the perfect test object for these experiments because it is so sensitive to the gravitational effect and activity of the Sun,” explained Antonio Genova, the lead author of the study and a MIT researcher working at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.

Researchers were able to make these calculations from the data gathered by NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft which made three ‘flybys’ of Mercury in 2008 and 2009 and orbited Mercury between March 2011 and April 2015 before it crashed into Mercury in 2015, Mail noted.

11.08.2019 - 16:58 [ ]

„Astronomical Unit,“ or Earth-Sun Distance, Gets an Overhaul


Without fanfare, astronomers have redefined one of the most important distances in the Solar System. The astronomical unit (au) — the rough distance from the Earth to the Sun — has been transformed from a confusing calculation into a single number. The new standard, adopted in August by unanimous vote at the International Astronomical Union‘s meeting in Beijing, China, is now 149,597,870,700 meters — no more, no less.

11.08.2019 - 16:51 [ ]

Why is the Earth moving away from the sun?


It’s not much – just 15 cm per year – but since that’s 100 times greater than the measurement error, something must really be pushing Earth outward. But what?

One idea is that the Sun is losing enough mass, via fusion and the solar wind, to gradually be losing its gravitational grip (see Astronomical unit may need to be redefined). Other possible explanations include a change in the gravitational constant G, the effects of cosmic expansion, and even the influence of dark matter. None have proved satisfactory.