Archiv: Nantes

11.01.2020 - 15:58 [ @GNantais / Twitter ]

? Tous Ensemble à #Nantes avant d’arriver à la #Préfecture ?✊? #greve11janvier #GreveGenerale

04.08.2019 - 04:24 [ Ruptly / Youtube ]

LIVE: Protest gegen Polizeigewalt in Frankreich – Schweigemarsch in Nantes

Demonstranten nehmen am Samstag, 3. August, an einem Schweigemarsch in den Straßen von Nantes teil. Anlass ist der Tod eines 24-jährigen Mannes, der im Juni bei einer Polizeiaktion in die Loire gefallen ist und dessen Leiche am Montag aus dem Fluss geborgen wurde. Auf den „Marsch des Schweigens“ folgt eine Demonstration gegen die Brutalität der Polizei.

30.07.2019 - 20:53 [ Reuters ]

Body of young French man, missing after police clash, found in river

His disappearance led to demonstrations in Nantes and resonated beyond over the tactics of the police, who have already been criticized for injuring protesters during weekly anti-government “yellow vests” protests around the country.

Banners bearing the question “Where Is Steve?” have been held aloft at many of those protests since he disappeared.

16.04.2018 - 23:05 [ Mediapart/youtube ]

Deuxième jour d‘évacuation sur la ZAD

(10.April) Mardi 10 avril au matin, les opérations d‘évacuation de la ZAD, à Notre-Dame-des-Landes, ont repris. Après l‘évacuation de la ferme des Cent noms la veille, la ferme des Vraies rouges a été menacée dans la matinée, avant que les forces de l‘ordre ne recule, redonnant espoir aux zadistes même si la journée a été rude.

12.04.2018 - 15:20 [ Canary ]

A former airport development has become a battlefield between thousands of police and activists

Since 2008, La ZAD has become a thriving community that its residents called “Europe’s largest laboratory of commoning”. Zadistes have built homes, communal kitchens, bike workshops, a radio station, a brewery, a library, and much more. And the camp, home to about 250 people, has support from local residents and farmers.(…)
But on 8 April, around 2,500 police arrived to begin evictions…
