Archiv: Moshe Feiglin

31.08.2019 - 12:35 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Olmert: „Netanyahu might draw us into war for political gain“

„This aggressive pretentiousness has no purpose other than political gain, and I do not retract my words,“ he added, saying that „it is not coincidental that he made his statement by the side of Moshe Feiglin. I accuse him of possibly drawing us into war for political gain.“

„It‘s unquestionably pure politics and Prime Minister Netanyahu does it unstoppably.

31.08.2019 - 11:06 [ Haaretz ]

In Deal With Far-right Leader, Netanyahu Edges Closer to Reelection. Next Up: The Kahanists

Feiglin was a serious obstacle who was in Netanyahu‘s way – and he was pushed out of the way. Next in line are the Kahanist members of the Otzma Yehudit party. Negotiating with them would be more complicated for Netanyahu, because even our prime minister, who has lost all his brakes and morals over the past few years, wouldn‘t think of offering Itamar Ben-Gvir a ministerial post. Or would he?

31.08.2019 - 11:04 [ Times of Israel ]

Zehut bows out of elections after Netanyahu promises Feiglin a cabinet post

Netanyahu has been putting intense pressure on several small right-wing factions to drop out of the election in September so that their votes don’t get “wasted” if they fail to clear the 3.25-percent threshold for entering the Knesset. As with Zehut, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or his political representatives have also met over the past two weeks with candidates from the extremist Otzma Yehudit and Noam parties.

29.08.2019 - 19:59 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Strikes Deal With Far-right Leader: Government Portfolio in Exchange for Dropping Election Run

According to sources from Likud, „Netanyahu is investing tremendous efforts to prevent right-wing votes from going to waste.