Archiv: Heinrich Mann

05.01.2021 - 08:53 [ Imperial War Museum ]

Der Untertan [The Subject]

This poster advertises the novel ‘Der Untertan’ (‘The Subject’) by Heinrich Mann (1871-1950), the first part of his trilogy, ‘Das Kaiserreich’ (‘The Empire’). The novel was banned in Germany during the First World War, owing to its criticism of the militarism and conservatism prevalent in Imperial German society. It was finally published, to much acclaim, in 1918. Heinrich’s younger brother, the novelist Thomas Mann, initially wrote in support of the war but later agreed with Heinrich. Both brothers left for America in the 1930s following the rise of the Nazis.

27.10.2020 - 04:33 [ Imperial War Museum ]

Der Untertan [The Subject]

This poster advertises the novel ‘Der Untertan’ (‘The Subject’) by Heinrich Mann (1871-1950), the first part of his trilogy, ‘Das Kaiserreich’ (‘The Empire’). The novel was banned in Germany during the First World War, owing to its criticism of the militarism and conservatism prevalent in Imperial German society. It was finally published, to much acclaim, in 1918. Heinrich’s younger brother, the novelist Thomas Mann, initially wrote in support of the war but later agreed with Heinrich. Both brothers left for America in the 1930s following the rise of the Nazis.

14.07.2020 - 20:59 [ Imperial War Museum ]

Der Untertan [The Subject]

This poster advertises the novel ‘Der Untertan’ (‘The Subject’) by Heinrich Mann (1871-1950), the first part of his trilogy, ‘Das Kaiserreich’ (‘The Empire’). The novel was banned in Germany during the First World War, owing to its criticism of the militarism and conservatism prevalent in Imperial German society. It was finally published, to much acclaim, in 1918. Heinrich’s younger brother, the novelist Thomas Mann, initially wrote in support of the war but later agreed with Heinrich. Both brothers left for America in the 1930s following the rise of the Nazis.

25.06.2020 - 13:08 [ Imperial War Museum ]

Der Untertan [The Subject]

This poster advertises the novel ‘Der Untertan’ (‘The Subject’) by Heinrich Mann (1871-1950), the first part of his trilogy, ‘Das Kaiserreich’ (‘The Empire’). The novel was banned in Germany during the First World War, owing to its criticism of the militarism and conservatism prevalent in Imperial German society. It was finally published, to much acclaim, in 1918. Heinrich’s younger brother, the novelist Thomas Mann, initially wrote in support of the war but later agreed with Heinrich. Both brothers left for America in the 1930s following the rise of the Nazis.

25.06.2020 - 10:16 [ Wikipedia ]

Der Untertan

Der Untertan ist ein Roman von Heinrich Mann. Heinrich Mann erzählt mit ironischer Distanz Heßlings Lebensgeschichte von dessen Kindheit bis hin zur Sicherung seiner Stellung in der wilhelminischen Gesellschaft.

Der Roman erzählt von Diederich Heßling als Beispiel für einen bestimmten Typ Mensch in der Gesellschaft des deutschen Kaiserreichs. Heßling ist obrigkeitshörig, feige und ohne Zivilcourage. Er ist ein Mitläufer und Konformist.

18.05.2019 - 01:41 [ Imperial War Museum ]

Der Untertan [The Subject]

This poster advertises the novel ‘Der Untertan’ (‘The Subject’) by Heinrich Mann (1871-1950), the first part of his trilogy, ‘Das Kaiserreich’ (‘The Empire’). The novel was banned in Germany during the First World War, owing to its criticism of the militarism and conservatism prevalent in Imperial German society. It was finally published, to much acclaim, in 1918. Heinrich’s younger brother, the novelist Thomas Mann, initially wrote in support of the war but later agreed with Heinrich. Both brothers left for America in the 1930s following the rise of the Nazis.

30.05.2018 - 10:51 [ Wikipedia ]

Der Untertan

Der Untertan (German: [dɛɐ̯ ˈʊntɐtaːn], literally „the subject“, translated into English under the titles Man of Straw, The Patrioteer, and The Loyal Subject) is one of the best known novels of German author Heinrich Mann. The title character, Diederich Hessling, a dedicated ‚Untertan‘ in the sense of a person subservient to a monarch or prince, is an immoral man who is meant to serve as an allegory of both the reign of Kaiser Wilhelm II and German society of his time.

03.04.2018 - 07:55 [ Wikipedia ]

Der Untertan

Der Untertan ist ein Roman von Heinrich Mann. Heinrich Mann erzählt mit ironischer Distanz Heßlings Lebensgeschichte von dessen Kindheit bis hin zur Sicherung seiner Stellung in der wilhelminischen Gesellschaft.

Der Roman erzählt von Diederich Heßling als Beispiel für einen bestimmten Typ Mensch in der Gesellschaft des deutschen Kaiserreichs. Heßling ist obrigkeitshörig, feige und ohne Zivilcourage. Er ist ein Mitläufer und Konformist.