Archiv: Euro Trek (where no moron has gone before)

27.04.2020 - 18:58 [ Spiked ]

Against the new normal

‘We are moving towards a new normality.’ This is how Germany’s finance minister, Olaf Scholz, put it at a coronavirus press conference last week, alongside Angela Merkel and various state premiers. The government was announcing its timetable to phase out the lockdown measures. Before it began, the conference had an almost religious feel, with those gathered seeming to wait for proclamation and guidance.

29.03.2019 - 15:53 [ Donald Tusk, President of the European Council. Managed by the media team. ‏/ Twitter ]

In view of the rejection of the Withdrawal Agreement by the House of Commons, I have decided to call a European Council on 10 April. #Brexit

18.01.2019 - 14:04 [ BBC ]

Brexit: High-profile Germans plead with UK to stay in EU

The letter, published in the Times, is signed by 31 people, including the leader of the Christian Democratic Union – and likely successor to Angela Merkel – Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and former Arsenal goalkeeper Jens Lehmann.

They cited post-work pints and pantomime as beloved British habits.

18.01.2019 - 14:01 [ ]

Times Letters: ‘German friends’ urge Britain to stay in EU

„Sir, Without your great nation, this continent would not be what it is today: a community defined by freedom and prosperity. After the horrors of the Second World War, Britain did not give up on us. It has welcomed Germany back as a sovereign nation and a European power. This we, as Germans, have not forgotten and we are grateful.“

17.11.2018 - 14:47 [ Andrew Doyle ‏/ Twitter ]

The EU Withdrawal Agreement is a real page turner. I particularly like the bit about extending the transition period to “31 December 20XX”. Not even “202X”. We’re in this for the long haul, people!