Archiv: Ariane Lavrilleux

28.09.2023 - 15:30 [ ]

The mercenaries of the sky

(November 22, 2021)

Laurent Aubigny’s name is well-known to the Sirli operational team, both civilian and military. Between 2016 and 2018, as then deputy director for research at the DRM, he supervised the agents’ mission in the field. It is also him who, since December 2020, presides over CAE Aviation, in what could appear to be a conflict of interest. Under the French defence code, a member of the armed forces does not have the right to join, within a period of three years after leaving their job in the military, “a company which they have been in charge of monitoring or controlling” or “with which they have concluded contracts or given advice upon contracts”.

According to that stipulation, Aubigny was entitled to join CEA Aviation only as of 2021. Contacted by Disclose, the French military’s deontology commission, which is in charge of studying such cases, did not reply to the questions submitted. Similarly, both the management of CEA Aviation, and the DRM, did not respond to questions submitted by Disclose.

28.09.2023 - 14:30 [ ]

Operation Sirli

(November 21, 2021)

The documents, kept confidential under France’s national “national defence secrecy” regulations (“le secret de la défense nationale”), originate from the services of the presidential office, the Élysée Palace, the French armed forces ministry, and the French military intelligence services. They show how this military cooperation exercise, kept secret from the public, was diverted from its original mission, that of reconnaissance of terrorist activity, in favour of a campaign of arbitrary executions. It involved state crimes about which the French presidential office was kept constantly informed, but which took no action.

28.09.2023 - 14:15 [ ]

Egypt Papers

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Disclose has obtained hundreds of secret documents, circulated at the highest levels of the French state, which reveal the responsibility of France in crimes committed by the dictatorship of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in Egypt. Discover “the terror memos” in a week-long series of investigative reports, beginning this Sunday November 21st.

28.09.2023 - 13:53 [ Le Monde ]

Ariane Lavrilleux en garde à vue : « L’exercice même du métier de journaliste est en péril », alertent des sociétés de journalistes

(21 septembre 2023)

Signataires : les sociétés de journalistes et de rédacteurs de l’AFP, Arrêt sur images, BFM-TV, Challenges, Courrier international, Epsiloon,, FranceTVinfo, France 3 rédaction nationale, France Télévisions rédaction nationale, Indigo Publications, L’Express, L’Humanité, L’Informé, L’Obs, L’Usine nouvelle, La Tribune, La Vie, LCI, Le Figaro, Le Monde, Le Parisien, Le Point, Les Echos, Libération, M6, Marianne, Mediapart, NRJ, Paris Match, Public Sénat, Premières Lignes, Radio France, RFI, RMC, RTL, Sud Ouest, Télérama, TF1, 60 Millions de consommateurs, ainsi que l’association Profession : pigiste.

28.09.2023 - 13:42 [ ]

Pressefreiheit: Frankreich nimmt Journalist*innen in die Mangel

Im Fokus der aktuellen Debatte steht die französische Journalistin Ariane Lavrilleux. Sie deckte 2021 für das Magazin „Disclose“ auf, dass der französische Militärgeheimdienst DRM mit der ägyptischen Regierung zusammenarbeitete und dabei auch indirekt an Hinrichtungen beteiligt war.

Wegen dieser Recherche wurde die Journalistin am Dienstag festgenommen. Beamte des französischen Inlandsgeheimdienstes durchsuchten ihre Wohnung sowie ihre digitalen Geräte. Anschließend wurde Lavrilleux auf einer Polizeiwache verhört und kam erst nach 39 Stunden wieder frei. Die Sicherheitsbehörden sind wohl auch auf der Suche nach Lavrilleuxs Quelle. Dieser drohen laut Süddeutscher Zeitung wegen Landesverrats bis zu sieben Jahre Haft.