Daily Archives: 13. August 2013

13.08.2013 - 20:58 [ Ansa ]

Defenders challenge M5S call to impeach Napolitano

„We are confident that Napolitano will not be intimidated by those whose only goal in life is to eliminate Berlusconi through the courts,“ said Gelmini. The Famiglia Cristiana also rose quickly to Napolitano‘s defence, with Antonio Sciortino describing the president as „loved and respected“ by Italian citizens, and a „true bastion“ of democracy and stability in troubled times.

13.08.2013 - 20:53 [ Techdirt ]

The Tech Industry Is Making A Big Mistake: It‘s Time To Suck It Up And Fight Back Hard Over NSA Surveillance

We‘ve been trying to make the case over the past few months that the tech industry should be furious about what the NSA is doing, while also pointing out that it‘s likely to be very costly for a variety of American companies. Unfortunately, many still don‘t seem to be getting the message. Even with Lavabit shutting down rather than succumbing to order to do much greater surveillance, it still seems like many in the tech industry either seem to think this isn‘t a huge problem or that it will sort of blow over.

13.08.2013 - 20:18 [ Federation of American Scientists ]

Military Tests Data Mining of Social Media for Special Ops

See “Project QUANTUM LEAP: After Action Report,” 12 September 2012. (..)

“We are currently in a ‘window’ of opportunity for exploitation of social media sources for application to CTF [counter threat finance] or other SOCOM NCR missions. This window could be as narrow as 18-24 months before the social media phenomenon transforms.

13.08.2013 - 20:15 [ Netzpolitik ]

QUANTUM LEAP: Social Media Analyse der US Special Operations Command (SOCOM)

Zum einen wird nur nochmals deutlich, wie eng mit privaten Unternehmen zusammengearbeitet wird, die Expertise auf dem jeweiligen Sektor haben (Banken, Finanzen, Netzwerk-Analyse, Verkehr, etc.). Zum anderen ist man sich bewusst, dass man auch ohne Geheimdienst-Daten extrem aufschlussreiche Analysen erstellen kann, wenn man nur weiß, wo man suchen muss und wie man Daten aus unterschiedlichen Sektoren geschickt verknüpft.

13.08.2013 - 20:09 [ Netzpolitik ]

Aaron Swartz: erster Teil geheimer Ermittlungsdokumente veröffentlicht

Die veröffentlichten Ermittlungsdokumente, welche zum Teil stark zensiert sind, belegen das Interesse des Secret Services am sogenannten “Guerilla Open Access Manifesto“, welches von Aaron Swartz im Jahr 2008 veröffentlicht wurde. In dem Manifest ruft Swartz dazu auf, auch urheberrechtlich geschützte akademische Papiere frei verfügbar zu machen, um Wissen allen Menschen verfügbar zu machen.

13.08.2013 - 20:01 [ Winfuture ]

Berlin: 1,6 Mio. Telefonate wurden 2012 überwacht

Die meisten Abhör-Maßnahmen erfolgten laut den Behörden wie im Vorjahr im Zusammenhang mit Straftaten nach dem Betäubungsmittelgesetz.

13.08.2013 - 17:33 [ Paolo Becchi / Beppe Grillo´s Blog ]

The big cats and the unhappy degrowth

Given the political void, it’s obvious that Berlusconi is going for broke, with early elections. But it’s one thing to cause the fall of a government. It’s another thing to dissolve parliament. The main ones not wanting that are those that by now are commanding us from the outside and who are only interested in getting us to pay the interest on our debts, without even suggesting the possibility of a renegotiation. Here’s where Napolitano comes into the picture. In this Theatre of the Absurd, everything depends on an 88 year old man that should recognise the failure of the political hypothesis on which his second mandate was founded.

13.08.2013 - 17:25 [ Reuters ]

Protesting Berbers force their way into Libyan parliament

Members of Libya‘s ethnic Berber minority forced their way into the parliament building in Tripoli on Tuesday, smashing windows and destroying furniture, in a demonstration to press for greater recognition, an assembly spokesman said.

13.08.2013 - 17:22 [ Techdirt ]

Why The DOJ‘s Legal Defense That ‚All‘ Info May Be ‚Relevant‘ For The NSA Is Legally Hogwash

Last week, we noted the ridiculousness of the DOJ‘s attempted defense of the government‘s use of Section 215 of the Patriot Act to scoop up all phone records on every call, claiming a very twisted definition of „relevant“ among other things. A variety of folks have been picking apart some of the claims in that analysis, and Orin Kerr has detailed some specific problems with the case law that the DOJ uses to back up its definition of „relevance.“

13.08.2013 - 16:54 [ Heise ]

No spy, no fun – Pofalla: Bald noch weniger keine Spionage

Innerhalb der USA soll nun ebenfalls in Sachen NSA Aufklärung betrieben werden. Hierzu hat die Regierung einen unabhängigen Spezialisten gewonnen, der sich mit geheimdienstlichen Belügen von Parlament und Öffentlichkeit perfekt auskennt: James Robert Clapper, seit 2010 oberster Geheimdienstchef der USA und ehemaliger Angestellter der outgesourcten Schlapphut-Firma Booz Allen Hamilton, wo auch Edward Snowden seinen Dienst schob.

13.08.2013 - 14:21 [ Watchdog.net ]

Help: The teen who‘s in jail for Facebook comments is now on SUICIDE WATCH

According to his dad, while Justin was playing a video game „[S]omeone had said something to the effect of ‚Oh you‘re insane, you‘re crazy, you‘re messed up in the head. To which [Justin] replied ‚Oh yeah, I‘m real messed up in the head, I‘m going to go shoot up a school full of kids and eat their still, beating hearts,’ and the next two lines were ‚lol and jk‘ [all sic].“

Even though it was a clear joke — underscored by the shorthand for „laugh out loud“ and „just kidding“ — a woman who saw the post reported Justin to the police. Now he‘s in jail for making „terroristic threats“ and faces $500,000 for bail and up to 8 years in prison!

13.08.2013 - 14:20 [ Techdirt ]

Judge Refuses To Dismiss Suit Against Feds Who Arrested Former Marine For His Controversial Facebook Posts

On August 16, 2012, Raub was visited by local police, FBI agents and Secret Service personnel who questioned him about his Facebook posts. Raub was cooperative and discussed his activity with the officers, despite their not having a warrant. At some point, one of the agents made a call to Michael Campbell, a psychotherapist retained by the county who decided, despite having never met or observed Raub, that the former Marine was „potentially dangerous“ and should be detained.

13.08.2013 - 14:18 [ Denkland ]

Bernd Lucke und die AFD: Ein Zucken im Elfenbeinturm

Die Partei „Alternative für Deutschland“ ist der breiten Öffentlichkeit nur durch eine einzige Person bekannt: Prof. Bernd Lucke. In Talkshows ist der Parteivorsitzende ein gern gesehener Gast. Seine Argumente in Eurofragen wirken überaus kompetent und zeugen keinesfalls von einer Alternativlosigkeit. Und trotzdem hat er ein Problem: Die Wähler nehmen Bernd Lucke nicht an.

13.08.2013 - 13:03 [ golem ]

Wired erzwingt Veröffentlichung von Ermittlungsunterlagen

Das US-Technikmagazin Wired hat vor Gericht die Freigabe der Ermittlungsunterlagen zu Aaron Swartz erstritten. Der US-Geheimdienst Secret Service muss die Akten nach und nach herausgeben. Die ersten 104 Seiten sind veröffentlicht worden.

13.08.2013 - 12:37 [ Guardian ]

How much data the NSA really gets

And, of course, metadata doesn‘t add up to much data at all; it‘s just a few bits per file – who sent what to whom – and that‘s where the NSA finds much of its supposedly incriminating information. So, these numbers are meaningless when it comes to looking at how much the NSA knows about who‘s talking to whom. With the NSA‘s clearance to go three hops out from a suspect, it doesn‘t take very long at all before this law of large numbers encompasses practically everyone.

13.08.2013 - 12:13 [ Freitag ]

Wenn der Putz in die Tofu-Stulle rieselt

Mit anderen Worten geht es bei der Vernachlässigung unserer öffentlichen Schulen vielen Politikern eigentlich um den Umbau des Bildungssystems nach amerikanischem Muster. Diese verborgene Agenda wird selten offen ausgesprochen, war aber in den letzten zwanzig Jahren ausgesprochen wirksam.

13.08.2013 - 12:02 [ New York Times ]

N.S.A. Leaks Make Plan for Cyberdefense Unlikely

administration officials say the plan, championed by Gen. Keith B. Alexander, the director of the National Security Agency and head of the Pentagon’s Cyber Command, has virtually no chance of moving forward given the backlash against the N.S.A. over the recent disclosures about its surveillance programs.

13.08.2013 - 11:21 [ Ria Novosti ]

Russland und Nordkorea besprechen Situation auf koreanischer Halbinsel

Der russische Vizeaußenminister Igor Morgulow hat am Dienstag mit dem nordkoreanischen Botschafter in Moskau die Situation auf der koreanischen Halbinsel und die bilateralen Beziehungen besprochen, heißt es in einer Mitteilung, die auf der Website des russischen Außenamtes untergebracht ist.

13.08.2013 - 11:19 [ Techdirt ]

Copyright Lawyers vs Patent Lawyers Smackdown: And The Winner Is…

You may remember a rather wonderful court case from 2012 that pitted copyright lawyers against patent lawyers over the issue of whether submitting journal articles as part of the patenting process was fair use. Well, we now have the judge‘s decision, as GigaOm reports: