Archiv: Yuli Novak

08.09.2024 - 00:10 [ B'Tselem ]

B‘Tselem at the UNSC: For the Israeli government, the occupation and the settlements matter more than human life

On Sunday, we woke up to the news that six Israeli hostages were executed by Hamas, just before soldiers reached them in a tunnel in Gaza. Another six, added to tens of thousands of people in this land who should not have died over the past year. During this week, hundreds of thousands of Israelis have taken to the streets. They feel angry, desperate and betrayed by their government. They have understood, perhaps for the first time, that the Israeli government does not want to return the hostages in a deal, but to continue the war indefinitely. They see that the occupation and the settlements matter more than human life – and not only of Palestinians, said B‘Tselem Executive Director Yuli Novak, who addressed the UN Security Council last night (Wednesday) . B’Tselem – the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories was invited by the Slovenian President of the Security Council to provide an expert review of the state of human rights in Israel/Palestine following the war.

07.09.2024 - 23:42 [ B.M. / ]

Deranged Member of Knesset and guardian angel of rapists Tally Gotliv, of the Likud, calls for the execution or life imprisonment of Yuli Novak from @btselem , following Novak‘s speech at the UNSC.

07.09.2024 - 23:30 [ Palestine Chronicle ]

‘Assistance to Enemy in War’ – Israeli MK Requests Death Penalty for B’Tselem’s Director

The Israeli Likud Party Knesset Member Revital Gotliv requested the death sentence or life imprisonment for Yuli Novak, the executive director of the Israeli rights group B’Tselem, for what she labeled as “the suspected serious crime of assistance to the enemy in war,” the Anadolu news agency reported.

Gotliv reportedly made her request in a letter addressed to the Israeli Chief Police Commissioner Daniel Levy, in which she demanded the detention and interrogation of Novak.

The move followed a speech delivered by Novak on September 4 at the United Nations Security Council.