Archiv: UsForThem / #ReopenSchools (UK initiative)

07.03.2021 - 13:44 [ ]

#NoMasksInClass : Dear Education Secretary…

By 15 February, the NHS had vaccinated the top four most at risk groups – groups that have accounted for around 88% of COVID-19 deaths and about 55% of hospitalisations. The UK’s four Chief Medical Officers say that you get “substantial protection within 2-3 weeks of vaccination”, which takes us to 8 March. So upon what evidence is your department relying in order to recommend that masks in classrooms are today necessary – rather than “nonsensical” – now that the four most vulnerable groups have “substantial ­protection”?

07.03.2021 - 13:38 [ UsforThemUK / Twitter ]

In January the Prime Minister said schools are safe. Then why are our children expected to wear masks in school all day, every day, from tomorrow ⁉️ This has to stop. Masks can harm children’s health and learning #NOMASKSINCLASS

13.02.2021 - 19:21 [ ]

Boris says he‘s ‚optimistic‘ about easing lockdown starting with schools in March and we will ‚learn to live with‘ Covid – as leaked data shows hospitalisations falling much FASTER than expected

Modelling by Sage presented to Downing Street and leaked to The Times predicts hospital admissions and deaths will more than halve over the next month.

Patients battling coronavirus in hospital currently number around 24,000, but this figure is expected to be slashed to around 9,000 by mid-March.

Yesterday 1,908 patients were taken to hospital in the UK, a massive drop in admission rates since the peak in January when around 4,500 were admitted on a single day.

12.02.2021 - 02:24 [ ]

School return date must be ‚signed in blood‘, Boris Johnson told

Rob Halfon, the Tory chairman of the Education Select Committee, told The Telegraph: „We just need to make sure March 8 is signed in blood, not just a line in the sand.“ Mark Harper, the chairman of the Covid Recovery Group, said: „It‘s crucial we don‘t backslide on this.“

12.02.2021 - 02:14 [ ]

Furious Tory MPs say Covid vaccine roll-out is pointless unless UK goes back to normal life soon after SAGE doomsters push back on easing lockdown within weeks and warn we could be wearing masks FOREVER

The Prime Minister has promised to get children back in classrooms by March 8 as part of his ‚route map‘ out of lockdown, which he plans to reveal on Monday, February 22.

06.02.2021 - 21:25 [ ]

Boris Johnson under pressure after eighteen Tory MPs back call to open schools in England by Feb 22

Among the 18 Tories who signed the pledge that „All schools should open full-time to all pupils from Feb 22 to March 8 are former Cabinet minister Esther McVey, ex-ministers Steve Baker, Tim Loughton and Harriet Baldwin, and chairman of the 1922 committee of backbench Conservative MPs Sir Graham Brady.

04.02.2021 - 21:48 [ ]

Boris Johnson hit by Tory revolt on reopening schools sparked by Scottish return and falling Covid cases


The new rebellion mushroomed after Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon set the pace by announcing a phased return of Scottish schools from February 22.

Tory MPs also pointed to falling case rates and evidence to Parliament from the Deputy Chief Medical Officer Jenny Harries that schools are not considered one of the major vectors of infection transmission.

02.02.2021 - 09:32 [ ]

Exclusive: Boris Johnson pushes to reopen schools as Covid cases fall


Boris Johnson has ordered ministers to ramp up preparations for reopening schools after being told the UK is now past the peak of the current wave of coronavirus.

The Prime Minister has made it clear that the Government’s immediate focus must be on education and is expected to announce further measures to help children catch up after almost a year of disruption.

02.02.2021 - 09:28 [ talkRADIO / Twitter ]

„We‘ve got the four horsemen of the education apocalypse riding towards our pupils.“ Robert Halfon, Education Select Committee chairman, says the impact of children not being at school is huge.


02.02.2021 - 09:24 [ Steve Baker, Member of UK Parliament / Twitter ]

700 million days of schooling were lost in 2020. And every day schools stay shut, the attainment gap widens. We must act now. Govt must #REOPENSCHOOLS or set out the harms and benefits justifying the decision to keep them closed. Join @UsforThemUK


25.01.2021 - 07:08 [ ]

Tory MPs revolt over plans to keep children off school until after Easter amid warnings Covid crackdowns are creating a ‘lost generation’

The group includes the former Cabinet minister Esther McVey and Sir Graham Brady, chairman of the influential 1922 Committee of Tory backbenchers, according to the Telegraph

And Mr Williams faced yet more opposition from Conservative colleagues last night, in the form of Education Select Committee Chairman Robert Halfon.

The former Minister of State for Skills revealed he had asked for an Urgent Question in the House of Commons in which he would demand to know the route-map for getting children back to school.

25.01.2021 - 06:55 [ ]



We are a community of tens of thousands of parents across the U.K. campaigning to #ReopenSchools.

UsforThem is calling on the Government to reopen schools immediately or at the very least to publish the work it has done to show that the schools shutdown is proportionate and takes account of the huge amount of harm we know we are causing to our children both today and in the future.