Archiv: town halls

16.10.2020 - 10:21 [ ZDF ]

US-Wahl: Biden und Trump im Fernduell

Guten Morgen,

ich muss gestehen, ich fiebere der US-Wahl entgegen. Deshalb bin ich heute Nacht aufgestanden, um mir ab 2 Uhr die parallelen Town-Hall-Meetings von US-Präsident Trump und seinem Herausforderer Biden anzusehen. Biden im US-Sender ABC, Trump auf NBC. Zeitgleich.

10.03.2020 - 07:17 [ Fox News ]

Bernie Sanders, at Fox News Town Hall, hits Clinton for efforts to ‚relive‘ 2016, Biden for backing ‚crooks‘

The Biden campaign has repeatedly refused Fox News Channel‘s invitations to participate in a town hall.

Separately, prompted by a recent video clip of Clinton claiming that „nobody likes“ Sanders and that he „didn‘t work until he was 41,“ Sanders responded: „Unlike Secretary Clinton, I don‘t want to relive 2016. We‘re in 2020 now.“

03.06.2019 - 19:55 [ FedUpW/ACorruptSystem / Twitter ]

Can you imagine the VP debate between Tulsi and Pence? Love leads the way. Both Tulsi & Bernie #FightForThePeople

23.04.2019 - 07:24 [ CNN ]

Takeaways from Bernie Sanders‘ CNN town hall

Sanders conceded that his decades of consistency on economic issues does not extend to his approach on foreign policy.

„I was rightfully criticized the last time around because I didn‘t pay as much attention as I might,“ Sanders said.

23.04.2019 - 07:17 [ Times of Israel ]

Bernie Sanders: Israel now run by Netanyahu’s ‘racist government’

“What I believe is not radical,” Sanders said. “I just believe that the United States should deal with the Middle East on a level playing field basis. In other words, the goal must be to try to bring people together and not just support one country, which is now run by a right-wing — dare I say — racist government.”

19.04.2019 - 17:39 [ Felicia Sonmez ‏/ Twitter ]

Fox News runs a full-page ad in today’s @washingtonpost touting its Bernie Sanders town hall earlier this week as “America’s Most Watched Town Hall.” cc @realDonaldTrump


17.04.2019 - 23:00 [ Fox News / Youtube ]

Town Hall with Bernie Sanders | Part 2


2020 Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders discusses immigration, national security, Mueller‘s report, and more during his town hall.

17.04.2019 - 22:57 [ Fox News / Youtube ]

#FoxNews #FoxNewsTownhall #AmericasElectionHQ Town Hall with Bernie Sanders | Part 1


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders discusses his tax returns, his tax plan, the perception of socialism, calls for new Democratic leadership, a potential Biden candidacy and health care with moderators Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum.