Archiv: South Lebanon Army (SLA)

16.10.2024 - 05:11 [ ]

Israeli opposition leader calls to revive ‚South Lebanon Army‘ to assist with occupation

(October 10, 2024)

Lapid advocated regime change in Lebanon, saying, “the international community will need to appoint a sort of oversight committee for Lebanon to manage its civilian life for a set period until elections can be held and a new government can take control.”

Crucial to this effort would be the establishment of a collaborator Lebanese army loyal to Israel and its Western and Gulf allies.


Lapid claimed it would be easy to recruit Lebanese by paying soldiers in a new army $500 a month. New recruits would then be trained by French, Emirati, and US military officers.

The South Lebanon Army (SLA) was established by Israel in 1976 after the collapse of the Lebanese government due to civil war.

16.10.2024 - 04:56 [ ]

IDF actions against UN peacekeepers suggest Israel may be considering occupying part of southern Lebanon

Since 1978, Unifil has lost 337 peacekeepers, making Lebanon the most costly, in human terms, of all the UN peacekeeping operations. But despite these risks it has remained in post. Throughout Unifil’s deployment, IDF has put it under pressure both directly and through a proxy force, the South Lebanon Army (SLA). As such Unifil has a strong institutional memory of staying put in the direst of circumstances which makes it unlikely to recommend a drawdown.