Archiv: Mauritius

04.08.2022 - 21:33 [ John Menadue ]

The US lectures us about a ‘rules based international order’ but ignores rules when it suits – think Diego Garcia

– In 2017 the UN General Assembly voted by a large majority(94-15) to refer the request for an advisory opinion on Diego Garcia to the International Court if Justice.
– In September 2018, 13 of the 14 judges of the ICJ concluded that the Chagos Islands, including Diego Garcia were illegally separated from Mauritius.
– In May 2019 the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly(116-6) to endorse the Court’s opinion that the Chagos Islands, including Diego Garcia, belonged to Mauritius. Apart from the US and the UK only four countries AUSTRALIA, Hungary, Israel and the Maldives voted in favour of the British neo-colonial claim.
– In November 2019, Britain refused to abide by the ICJ opinion and for the US to leave Chagos/Diego Garcia.
– In 2020 the UN published a map showing Chagos/Diego Garcia as part of Mauritius.

Despite all this, the US sits tight on its key military base of Diego Garcia which is thousands of kilometres from its mainland. In contrast, China’s building of islands in the South China Sea is adjacent to its own territory.

06.02.2021 - 12:21 [ ]

„Impfdiplomatie“: Vakzine als Pfand im Rennen um Einfluss

Chinas Zusage an Covax wird als Reaktion auf Indien gewertet, das in der Verteilung von Impfstoffen an andere Staaten inzwischen eine Führungsrolle übernommen hat. Zuletzt unterstützte Indien das schwer von der Pandemie getroffene Südafrika mit einer Million Covishield-Dosen, weitere 500.000 sollen bis Ende Februar folgen. Zuvor hatte Indien bereits zugesagt, rund 20 Mio. Dosen an Nepal, Bangladesch, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, die Seychellen und Mauritius zu verkaufen oder zu spenden.

14.08.2020 - 18:53 [ Counterpunch ]

Selective Maritime Rules: The United States, Diego Garcia and International Law

August 12, 2020

The British authorities were true to their word: the indigenous population between 1967 and 1973 was forcibly relocated to Mauritius and the Seychelles, with the US paying $14 million for the effort. The way for the establishment of a military base was cleared but only after pockets of Chagossian resistance were crushed through threats and intimidation.

25.11.2019 - 21:13 [ ]

Großbritannien weigert sich, seine letzte afrikanische Kolonie zurückzugeben

Zur Verteidigung ihrer Kolonialherrschaft veröffentlichte die britische Regierung eine Erklärung: „Das Vereinigte Königreich hat keinen Zweifel an unserer Souveränität über das Britische Territorium im Indischen Ozean, das seit 1814 unter ständiger britischer Souveränität steht“.

23.11.2019 - 23:32 [ ]

UK Refuses to Return Its Last African Colony

The UK failed to meet a UN deadline Friday to hand over their last African colony back to its people. The Chagos Islands are far removed from mainland Africa and lay in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

28.05.2019 - 11:24 [ The Wire ]

India Invites Eight Countries for Modi’s Swearing-In, Leaves Out Pakistan

The Indian Air Force operation inside Pakistan was also an electoral campaign issue highlighted extensively by the BJP and Modi as an achievement of a muscular security policy.

28.11.2018 - 23:17 [ ]

Dede Gorgud‘s heritage included in UNESCO list

The „Dede Gorgud‘s heritage: a file on culture, folk legends and music” by Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkey was included in the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage at the 13th session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, held in Port Louis, Mauritius, according to a joint statement of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

04.09.2018 - 00:44 [ Press TV ]

UN court hears case on UK illegal sovereignty on Chagos islands

“We are disappointed that Mauritius have taken this bilateral dispute to the international court of justice … This is an inappropriate use of the ICJ advisory opinion mechanism and sets a dangerous precedent for other bilateral disputes. We will robustly defend our position,” said a Foreign Office spokeswoman on Monday.