Archiv: Las Vegas

08.06.2020 - 10:52 [ ]

Boogaloo arrests reveal new extremist agenda to hijack protests


Undercover FBI agents learned the Las Vegas defendants were planning to firebomb a Nevada Energy substation on May 28 to create unrest in Las Vegas, according to the federal complaint.

08.06.2020 - 10:44 [ ]

Far-Right Extremists in Las Vegas Charged with Plotting Terror Attacks


In related news, federal prosecutors in Las Vegas have charged three men connected to the far-right extremist Boogaloo movement with inciting violence during the recent protests and conspiracy to commit terrorism. The three men all had experience in the U.S. military.

27.04.2020 - 04:32 [ Adam Dick / Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity ]

Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman Wants Her City to Reopen Now

I think it’s all about being a civilized community, and you learn that when you’re going to sneeze or cough you cover your mouth, that you do your best to respect the rights of others, and if you’re sick you stay home, you don’t go to work, … and that you have the sense of why God gave us brains is to use our brains on what is respectful of others in a socialized, civilized community with laws and rules.

27.04.2020 - 04:25 [ ]

Die Bürgermeisterin von Las Vegas möchte ihre Stadt jetzt wieder aufmachen

Jeder hat die Wahl. Wenn Sie nicht nach Vegas kommen wollen, kommen Sie nicht. Wenn Sie Ihr Haus nicht verlassen wollen, verlassen Sie Ihr Haus nicht. Und wenn Sie für den Rest Ihres Lebens in Ihrem Haus bleiben wollen, dann ist das Ihre Wahl. Die Realität ist, dass so viele Menschen, so viele, viele da draußen sind und wieder arbeiten und ein Leben haben wollen, und wieder einkaufen und mit Freunden zusammen sein und sich berühren und umarmen wollen.

23.02.2020 - 00:02 [ Reuters ]

Sanders takes early lead in Nevada caucuses, Biden distant second

In the final result of a caucus at the Bellagio hotel on the Las Vegas strip, Sanders finished with 76 votes, Biden had 45, and no other candidate ended with a vote.

20.02.2020 - 12:22 [ ]

Bloomberg savaged in first appearance on Democratic debate stage

One of the most significant donors in the U.S. to Democratic causes and candidates came under relentless attack Wednesday night during his first appearance on a debate stage as a candidate for the party‘s presidential nomination.

20.02.2020 - 02:34 [ MarketWatch ]

Ahead of Nevada debate, Sanders leads Biden by 15 points in new poll, with Bloomberg in 3rd

As six Democratic presidential hopefuls prepare to debate in Nevada on Wednesday night, one new national poll gives Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont a 15-point lead over former Vice President Joe Biden.

20.02.2020 - 02:27 [ ]

Election 2020 Tonight‘s Democratic debate in Las Vegas: A behind-the-scenes look, and how to watch

The eyes of a nation are turning to Las Vegas on Wednesday evening, when six Democratic presidential hopefuls face off for the ninth debate of the hard-fought primary season.