Archiv: Kate Brown

20.07.2020 - 12:01 [ ]

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown: Federal Officers Are ‚Adding Gasoline To A Fire‘

MARTIN: First of all, would you just give us an update on the situation in Portland today?

BROWN: Obviously, things are very challenging right now. I was very, very clear with the Trump administration and the head of the Homeland Security to take their federal troops off the streets of Portland. The Trump administration needs to stop playing politics with people‘s lives. We don‘t have a secret police in this country. This is not a dictatorship. And Trump needs to get his officers off the streets.

20.07.2020 - 11:21 [ CNN ]

A Navy veteran says he was beaten and pepper sprayed by authorities while attending his first protest in Portland

When contacted by CNN, a spokesperson for the Portland Police Bureau said that their officers were not involved in the incident.

Customs and Border Protection also told CNN that their officers were not involved.

CNN has reached out to the Department of Homeland Security and US Marshals for a comment but has not yet heard back.

20.07.2020 - 11:17 [ ]

Einsatz der Bundespolizei in Portland: „Wir wollen, dass sie gehen“

Die Kritik seitens der Demokraten ließ nicht lange auf sich warten. Die Vorsitzende des Repräsentantenhauses, Nancy Pelosi, sagte in einem Statement, man lebe in einer Demokratie, nicht in einer Bananenrepublik. Sie halte die Entsendung der Truppen für einen „eklatanten Machtmissbrauch“.