Archiv: Johnny Graz

21.08.2020 - 16:53 [ @jvgraz / Twitter ]

If the Democrats get in power they will be absolutely merciless on the poor and vulnerable. They’ve been waiting four years to exact their revenge, and they are ready to rack up a body count.

12.03.2020 - 00:06 [ Plain Ol' Johnny Graz / Twitter ]

Dear Bernie: Now‘s the time to say FUCK THIS SHIT and run as an independent. NOW. If you had done this in 2016, you‘d be running for your second term. The Dems will NEVER let you win, and we can‘t wait another 4 years. Sincerely, The „US“ is #NotMeUs

(February 4th, 2020)

05.03.2020 - 14:41 [ Plain Ol' Johnny Graz / Twitter ]

My predictions for South Carolina and Super Tuesday: Massive irregularities and late results. Bernie initially ahead, then slowly losing ground as manipulated results trickle in. At best, a mixed result for Bernie, fueling the brokered convention narrative.
