Archiv: Jacinda Ardern

17.10.2020 - 21:55 [ ZDF ]

Parlamentswahlen in Neuseeland – Arderns Labour-Partei holt absolute Mehrheit

Wegen ihres Umgangs mit den Attentaten von Christchurch, bei denen ein Rechtsextremist aus Australien im vergangenen Jahr in zwei Moscheen 51 Muslime erschossen hatte, und ihres erfolgreichen Kampfes gegen die Corona-Pandemie hat Ardern auch international viel Anerkennung gefunden.

16.06.2019 - 11:08 [ ]

Barry Soper: Leave mainstream media out of social media crackdown

It‘s not for the politicians to dictate how events should be covered.

The traditional Fourth Estate has for centuries been recognised as distinctly separate from the powers of government which is defined as three estates, the legislature, the executive and a judiciary.

15.05.2019 - 14:53 [ France 24 ]

Macron, Ardern host Paris summit against online extremism

French President Emmanuel Macron and New Zealand’s premier Jacinda Ardern will host other world leaders and leading tech chiefs on Wednesday to launch an ambitious new initiative aimed at curbing extremism online.