Archiv: Inseln / islands

25.09.2023 - 22:51 [ ]

Solomon Islands PM Sogavare skips Biden-led summit

Sogavare‘s no-show at the two-day summit, which will run through Tuesday, represents a significant blow to the Biden administration‘s efforts to rebuild influence in the Pacific region.

25.09.2023 - 22:42 [ Bloomberg ]

US Opens Diplomatic Ties With Cook Islands in Bid to Woo Pacific

“The United States is committed to ensuring an Indo-Pacific region that is free, open, prosperous and secure. We’re committed to working with all the nations around this table to achieve that goal,” Biden said Monday at the Pacific Islands Forum Summit at the White House.

26.07.2021 - 21:46 [ Xinhuanet ]

Russian PM visits disputed island amid Japan‘s opposition

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin visited the disputed island of Iturup, known as Etorofu in Japanese, on Monday, triggering a new round of criticism and protests between Moscow and Tokyo.

Mishustin inspected a hospital and talked with representatives from a fish processing plant on Iturup, one of the four Pacific islands claimed by both countries, called the Southern Kurils in Russia and the Northern Territories in Japan.

30.04.2021 - 20:48 [ Jon Levy / Global Research ]

Chagos Islanders Sue the Queen £1 Billion for Lost Fishing Rights

British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago) is best known for the top secret US naval base on Diego Garcia Island and the forced deportation of the original Afro-Creole inhabitants from the Chagos Archipelago (1967-1973) and subsequent apartheid laws barring them from returning home.

24.11.2018 - 19:33 [ Channel NewsAsia ]

Huge quake edges New Zealand islands closer together

„The whole area is going down maybe 10 to 20 millimetres. It‘s not a huge amount but it is observable at our sites,“ she said. GNS principal scientist, Kevin Berryman, said all earthquakes of 7.5 and above are very complex but it was „certainly unusual“ for 25 faults to rupture simultaneously.

27.04.2018 - 19:51 [ ]

The Korean unification flag is nearly everywhere ahead of the North-South summit — and Japan is fuming

The Korean unification flag features a set of disputed islands between Japan and South Korea that have been a source of tension for over a millennia.

13.04.2018 - 15:44 [ Japan Today ]

Japan to bolster patrols near disputed isles

The move comes after Japan spotted a Chinese nuclear-powered submarine in disputed waters early this year.

The uninhabited islets are at the centre of a festering row between Tokyo and Beijing, which is also involved in a widening dispute with several Southeast Asian countries over islands in the South China Sea.