Archiv: Hossein Salami

11.01.2020 - 11:21 [ ]

Iran Admits Its Air Defence ‘Unintentionally’ Hit Ukrainian Plane

4- The General Staff of the Armed Forces offers condolences and expresses sympathy with the bereaved families of the Iranian and foreign victims, and apologizes for the human error. It also gives full assurances that it will make major revision in the operational procedures of its armed forces in order to make impossible the recurrence of such errors. It will also immediately hand over the culprits to the Judicial Organization of the Armed Forces for prosecution.

5- The relevant authorities at the IRGC were also instructed to appear on state TV and give detailed explanation of the incident as soon as possible.

03.01.2020 - 10:02 [ ]

Gefährliche Eskalation: US-Militär tötet hohen iranischen General

Die Tötung des Generals wurde in der Nacht von den iranischen Revolutionsgarden bestätigt. Soleimani war Chef der iranischen Al-Kuds-Einheit, einer Division der iranischen Revolutionsgarden, die Spezialeinsätze außerhalb des Iran durchführt. Sarif bezeichnete den Raketenangriff als „extrem gefährliche“ und „dumme Eskalation“.

03.01.2020 - 09:40 [ ]

Fear of a Major Mideast War

Fears of a major war in the Middle East exploded Thursday night with the U.S. assassination of arguably the second most powerful man in Iran.

03.01.2020 - 09:35 [ Washington Post ]

In major escalation, American strike kills top Iranian commander in Baghdad

A U.S. airstrike killed Iranian Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani in Baghdad late Thursday, the Pentagon said, a dramatic escalation of tensions between the two countries that could lead to widespread violence in the region and beyond.