Archiv: Hitler Stalin Pakt / pact

27.12.2019 - 16:00 [ NewsFromUkraine / Youtube ]

Joint Soviet-Nazi military parade in Poland. The history of Russian aggression.

The Battle of Brest-Litovsk took place between 14 and 17 September 1939. After three days of heavy fights for the stronghold in the town of Brześć, the Germans captured the fortress and the Poles withdrew. According to the terms of the 1939 German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact the territory around Brest as well as 52% of the then Poland was assigned to the Soviet Union. The Soviet 29th tank brigade under Brigadier Semyon Krivoshein reached the area of Brześć on September 21st and took over the fortress from the Wehrmacht. During that event a joint German-Soviet parade was held in the town, after which the German forces left the area. The XIX motorized Corps of Wehrmacht and the 29th Tank Brigade of the Red Army participated in the parade.

27.12.2019 - 15:59 [ ]

German-Soviet Military Parade in Brest-Litovsk

The German-Soviet military parade in Brest-Litovsk was an official ceremony held by the troops of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union on September 22, 1939, during the invasion of Poland in the city of Brest-Litovsk.

It marked the withdrawal of German troops to the demarcation line secretly agreed to in the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, and the handover of the city and its fortress to the Soviet Red Army.

27.12.2019 - 15:54 [ Sueddeutsche ]

Zweiter Weltkrieg: Putin verteidigt Stalins Pakt mit Hitler


Der Kreml bietet Journalisten, die des Russischen nicht mächtig sind, einen netten Service. Über die Website der Moskauer Machtzentrale kann die ausländische Presse Ansprachen und andere Äußerungen des russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putins in englischer Sprache nachlesen.

27.12.2019 - 15:51 [ Haaretz ]

Putin Says Poland, Western Leaders Cooperated With Hitler

Putin cast the Molotov-Ribbentrop treaty as a move the Soviet Union was forced into following nonaggression agreements some other European nations had signed with Hitler.

He cited a 1938 agreement reached by Germany, Britain, France and Italy that allowed Hitler to annex Czechoslovakia as an example of Western leaders’ alleged “collusion” with Hitler.