Archiv: Gerhard Karner

11.02.2025 - 20:10 [ ]

Mitglied der Hamas? Terror-Razzia gegen Sohn von Nobelpreisträgern

(February 8, 2025)

Medhursts Mutter und Vater hatten 1988 als Teil eines UN-Kontingents symbolisch den Friedensnobelpreis für die Blauhelme bekommen. Jetzt der brisante Verdacht gegen ihn nach Paragraf 278b: Mitgliedschaft in einer terroristischen Vereinigung! Dafür drohen bis zu zehn Jahre Haft.

11.02.2025 - 20:05 [ Consortium News ]

Austrian Police Detain Richard Medhurst; Accuse Him of Being Hamas Member; UK Extends Probe Against Him

(February 7, 2025)

“I categorically deny all of these accusations by the Austrian and British governments, I’m a journalist, not a terrorist, and they bloody-well know it,” Medhurst said in his video. He added that he was a Christian being accused of belonging to Hamas, an Islamist organization resisting Israel’s occupation of Gaza.

Medhurst said the allegations by both countries were similar, but there has now been a “massive escalation” to accuse him of being a “member of a proscribed organization.” The British only accuse him of supporting the proscribed organization, Hamas, through his journalism.

“This is insanity,” he said. “This is an attack on the entire profession, on freedom of speech, on democracy itself.”

Medhurst said he could face up to 14 years of prison in Britain, plus 2-5 years if he doesn’t give them the passwords to his devices and perhaps 10 years in Austria.

11.02.2025 - 19:54 [ Wikipedia ]

Gerhard Karner (Politiker)

Gerhard Karner (* 13. November 1967 in Melk) ist ein österreichischer Politiker (ÖVP) und Bundesminister für Inneres der Republik Österreich.