Archiv: Charles Farr

12.06.2019 - 08:15 [ Donald J. Trump, President of the United States / Twitter ]

“Someone should call Obama up. The Obama Administration spied on a rival presidential campaign using Federal Agencies. I mean, that seems like a headline to me?” @TuckerCarlson It will all start coming out, and the Witch Hunt will end. Presidential Harassment!

12.06.2019 - 08:13 [ Real Clear Politics ]

Phil Mudd: „Clock Ticking“ For Democrats Before Barr Finds Out How Trump Probe Started


Retired CIA operative and CNN counterterrorism analyst Phil Mudd talks about British national Christopher Steele, author of the infamous Steele dossier, deciding to talk with U.S. officials about his part in the Trump-Russia investigation.

Mudd predicts things are going to get „ugly“ when Attorney General Bill Barr concludes how the probe was initiated which will give the Trump White House „ammo.“

05.06.2019 - 09:28 [ ]

Report: Christopher Steele agrees to be questioned by US officials over his relationship with FBI

A source close to Steele told The Times he will meet with investigators in London in the coming weeks. Republicans have long alleged it was Steele’s dossier that improperly led to an FBI inquiry, which ultimately morphed into special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible coordination between the Trump and campaign and Russia during the 2016 election.

05.06.2019 - 09:24 [ ]

Golden showers dossier author Christopher Steele WILL speak to U.S. authorities investigating how claims Trump colluded with Russia began

– The former British intelligence officer authored what became known as the golden showers dossier
– Congressional investigators sought to interview him without success
– He will meet with unidentified U.S. investigators, a source close to him told the Times of London
– Attorney General Bill Barr ordered a new investigation of the origins of the Russia probe
– The Mueller report did not confirm salacious claims from the dossier
– The report did include a footnote about a Georgian businessman who told Michael Cohen he had ‚stopped flow‘ of ‚some tapes‘

01.06.2019 - 20:27 [ ABC News ]

House Intelligence chair to spy agencies: Tell us what Barr asks for

„This approach threatens national security by subverting longstanding rules and practices that obligate you and other heads of [intelligence community] agencies to safeguard sources and methods and prevent the politicization of intelligence and law enforcement,“ Schiff wrote in the letter to Coats, which was also sent to the heads of the CIA, NSA and FBI.

01.06.2019 - 20:22 [ Bloomberg ]

Barr Doubts Intelligence Accounts of Trump-Russia Probe’s Origin

Attorney General William Barr said he’s not satisfied so far with official accounts justifying the counterintelligence investigation into whether Donald Trump’s presidential campaign was involved in Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.

“These counterintelligence activities that were directed at the Trump campaign, were not done in the normal course and not through the normal procedures as a far as I can tell,” Barr told “CBS This Morning” in an interview broadcast Friday.

01.06.2019 - 20:18 [ Fox News ]

Barr has not received ‚satisfactory‘ answers from intelligence community in Russia probe origins review

Last month, Barr announced he had assembled a team to review the FBI’s original Russia probe which was opened in the summer of 2016. Barr appointed U.S. Attorney from Connecticut John Durham to lead the investigation which will focus on the use of FBI informants as well as alleged improper issuance of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants.

But Barr, in an interview with CBS News that aired Friday, said he has more questions than answers at this point in the probe.

30.05.2019 - 16:25 [ CNN ]

US intelligence partners wary of Barr‘s Russia review

Key allies who share intelligence with the United States could soon be dragged into the middle of Attorney General Bill Barr‘s politically-charged Justice Department review of how the Russia investigation began.
President Donald Trump has said he wants Barr to look into the role key intelligence partners, including the United Kingdom and Australia, played in the origins of Russia probe.

24.05.2019 - 05:45 [ ]

Trump moves to escalate investigation of intel agencies

The move marked an escalation in Trump‘s efforts to „investigate the investigators,“ as he continues to try to undermine the findings of special counsel Robert Mueller‘s probe amid mounting Democratic calls to bring impeachment proceedings against Trump.

24.05.2019 - 05:34 [ Washington Post ]

Trump gives Barr power to declassify intelligence related to Russia probe

President Trump has granted Attorney General William P. Barr “full and complete authority” to declassify government secrets, issuing a memorandum late Thursday that orders U.S. intelligence agencies to cooperate promptly with Barr’s audit of the investigation into Russia’s election interference in 2016.

24.05.2019 - 05:29 [ ]

BREAKING: Trump Approves Declassification of Documents Related to 2016 Election Spying

The declassification of documents applies to the Department of State, Treasury, Defense, Energy, Homeland Security, CIA and the Director of National Intelligence.

20.05.2019 - 06:21 [ ]

British spy chiefs were briefed about dossier on Trump‘s ties to Russia that contained lewd allegations about the President and prostitutes – months before he even knew it existed

Mr Steele first approached British intelligence at the £1.7million home of Sir Charles Farr, the chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, in Wimbledon, south-west London.

Mr Farr, who died in February at 59, was one of Mrs May‘s top counter-terrorism advisors at the Home Office.

After leading MI6‘s Russia desk, Mr Steele set up a private firm, and was hired by Fusion GPS, a US research company being paid by Hillary Clinton‘s campaign.

20.05.2019 - 06:19 [ ]

Theresa May‘s spy chiefs were briefed on explosive Chistopher Steele dossier before Donald Trump

Theresa May’s spy chiefs were secretly briefed on an explosive dossier of claims about Donald Trump’s ties to Russia before the US president was made aware of its existence, The Telegraph can reveal.

The heads of MI5 and MI6 and one of Mrs May’s most trusted security advisers were told about former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele’s memos on the Trump campaign in the weeks after his November 2016 election victory.