Insgesamt sieben Manager der beiden Unternehmen müssten sich vor Gericht verantworten, sagte Strafverfolger Michele Ruggiero. Dabei handele es sich um zwei Mitarbeiter von Fitch und fünf Manager von S&P. Unter den Beschuldigten ist auch Ex-S&P-Chef Deven Sharma.
Daily Archives: 12. November 2012
Ehemaliger israelischer Armeechef: Nur Atombomben können Urananreicherung im Iran aufhalten
Der ehemalige israelische Chef des Generalstabs Dan Halutz, der als einziger in dem Bericht zitiert wurde, sagt, dass die Anlage völlig immun ist gegenüber einem konventionellen Angriff, und dass „die einzige Möglichkeit, das iranische Atomprogramm abzudrehen, im Einsatz der nuklearen Option besteht.“
A Covert Affair: Petraeus Caught in the Honeypot?
While Broadwell’s current academic affiliation is with Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, her previous post was deputy director of the Jebsen Center for Counter-Terrorism Studies at Tufts University’s Fletcher School. The Center, according to its self-description, “distinguishes itself by a philosophy that maintains counter-terrorism should be predictive, preventive and preemptive, with the latter being a last resort.”
Tausende protestieren gegen Merkel: Portugal ruft „Raus hier!“
Die Zahl der Protestierer blieb jedoch deutlich hinter den Erwartungen zurück. Medien führten das auf die massive Polizeipräsenz mit Scharfschützen, Hubschraubern und unzähligen Straßensperren zurück. Kundgebungen in der Nähe der offiziellen Veranstaltungsorte waren zudem verboten.
Petraeus affair fallout continues as focus turns to Senate investigation
The first elected official to know of the affair appears to have been Washington state congressman Dave Reichert, who brought the matter to the attention of House majority leader Eric Cantor.
The Petraeus affair: A lot more than sex
A senior U.S. intelligence official said an extramarital affair by a CIA officer is not automatically considered a security violation. (..)
The official also said Broadwell did not have a security clearance from the CIA.
FBI Scrutinized on Petraeus
In the aftermath of the investigation, some lawmakers are aiming criticism at the FBI and the Obama administration, including Attorney General Eric Holder, who knew about the email link to Mr. Petraeus as far back as late summer. A House Republican leader also learned of the matter in October.
CIA denies it detained militants in Benghazi
President Barack Obama issued an executive order in January 2009 stripping the CIA of its authority to take prisoners.
Arrested for poppy burning? Beware the tyranny of decency
Police action over the posting of a picture of a poppy in flames on Twitter is the latest step towards a new totalitarianism
Exclusive: John McAfee Wanted for Murder (Updated)
Antivirus pioneer John McAfee is on the run from murder charges, Belize police say. According to Marco Vidal, head of the national police force‘s Gang Suppression Unit, McAfee is a prime suspect in the murder of American expatriate Gregory Faull, who was gunned down Saturday night at his home in San Pedro Town on the island of Ambergris Caye.
Antivirus software developer accused of murder in Belize
According to Gizmodo, McAfee is “a prime suspect” in the shooting death of Gregory Faull, who was found “lying face up in a pool of blood” near his home in San Pedro Town.
KTG Server Down – We Move to a More Comfortable Sever Seat :)
We pick up the glove and enter a fierce duel with servers and technic.
Putin will seinen Menschenrechtsrat erweitern
(01.11.) Russland Staatschef Wladimir Putin hat vorgeschlagen, den Präsidenten-Beirat für Menschenrechte um neue Mitglieder zu erweitern. Die zahlenmäßige Stärke des Gremiums könnte von heute 40 auf 65 wachsen.
Österreichs enger Spielraum bei Verhandlungen über EU-Budget
Nachdem Bundeskanzler Werner Faymann (SPÖ) die Österreicher im „Presse“-Interview auf einen höheren EU-Beitrag eingeschworen hat, forderten Vizekanzler Michael Spindelegger und sein Staatssekretär, Reinhold Lopatka, (beide ÖVP) eine härtere Verhandlungslinie – notfalls mit Veto.
Families in Spain fear evictions
A jobless Ecuadorian couple await a foreclosure order and face a life-time loan debt in northern Spain, near the town where a 53-year old woman about to be evicted killed herself by jumping from the balcony of the flat she was no longer able to pay for. Sarah Sheffer reports.
Whos the real enemy? Merkel lying, Portugal bankrupt
Protests have started in Portugal‘s capital Lisbon, where Chancellor Angela Merkel is visiting. People there blame the German leader for their nation‘s economic hardships. The country had to adopt severe austerity measures to receive a bailout worth almost 80-billion-euros last year. RT‘s Sara Firth is in the Portuguese capital.
What‘s Left To Cut? ‚Greece sacrifice on Euro altar‘
Another year of pain looms for Greece as the country‘s Parliament approves an austerity budget which will force more biting cuts upon an already struggling population. It‘s been a pre-condition from international lenders who‘ve been delaying another bailout cash injection for months now.
Farage vs Merkel
Farage versus Merkel.
Protestas en Lisboa ante la visita de ‚Frankenstein Merkel‘
La canciller realiza una breve visita a Portugal, el mismo día que vuelve la troika para examinar los ajustes que han conducido al país a la mayor crisis desde los años setenta.
NATO-Generalsekretär besorgt über `politischen` Justizprozess in Georgien
Bei den Gerichtsverhandlungen am Stadtgericht von Tbilisi handelt es sich nicht um Friedensaktivisten oder Bürgerrechtler. Ermittelt wird gegen den ehemaligen Innen- und Verteidigungsminister Bacho Akhalaia, den ehemaligen Chef des Generalstabs der Streitkräfte von Georgien Giorgi Kalandadze und den ehemaligen Kommandeur der vierten Brigade der georgischen Streitkräfte Zurab Shamatava, die am 7.November inhaftiert wurden.
„Frankenstein“ jibe greets Merkel as Lisbon sees black
Anti-austerity protesters draped Lisbon statues in black mourning sashes to greet Angela Merkel on Monday and a local business newspaper blamed the visiting German chancellor for „Frankenstein“ policies driving Portugal into poverty.
Anti-Merkel-Proteste in Portugal: Portugiesen empfangen Angela Merkel mit „Raus hier!“-Rufen
Das Ergebnis der „schmerzhaften“ Veränderungen“ werde eines Tages jedoch positiv sein. Auch in Deutschland habe es Zeit gebraucht, bis man die Ergebnisse „einschneidender Reformen“ habe sehen können.
Hartz IV-Hungerstreik: Jobcenter kommentiert zynisch
Der Arbeitslose Ralph Boes hungert seit 12 Tagen. Der von den Jobcenter-Bürokraten gegängelte Mann von der Initiative ‘Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen’ ist im politischen Hungerstreik.
Wenn Exporte “überraschend” einbrechen
Mit einem Nachfrageeinbruch hätte ja auch niemand rechnen können. Manchmal muss man sich über die deutschen Medien wundern, denn sie scheinen nicht auf dem gleichen Planeten zu leben wie ihre Leser.
Petraeus may be called in U.S. inquiry on Benghazi: Feinstein
The California Democrat said there was no connection between Petraeus‘ resignation and the September 11, 2012, killings in Benghazi. Petraeus had been scheduled to testify about the Benghazi case on Thursday in a closed session of the committee; Mike Morrell, the acting CIA director, is now expected to do so.
EXCLUSIVE: CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say
(26.10.) Fox News has learned from sources who were on the ground in Benghazi that an urgent request from the CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the U.S. consulate and subsequent attack several hours later on the annex itself was denied by the CIA chain of command — who also told the CIA operators twice to „stand down“ rather than help the ambassador‘s team when shots were heard at approximately 9:40 p.m. in Benghazi on Sept. 11.
Senators‘ Statement Regarding Letter from Secretary Panetta On Benghazi
“Over the past month, we and our colleagues have sent 13 separate letters to senior Administration officials, including President Obama, seeking an explanation for why no U.S. armed forces were available to go to the aid of the four American citizens who died during the September 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. Today, we finally received from the Secretary of Defense the first response to our many letters. Unfortunately, Secretary Panetta‘s letter only confirms what we already knew – that there were no forces at a sufficient alert posture in Europe, Africa or the Middle East to provide timely assistance to our fellow citizens in need in Libya. The letter fails to address the most important question – why not?“
Endet der „neoliberale Putsch“ mit der Abschaffung der Demokratie?
Entgegen der empirischen Erfahrung in Argentinien und später in den 1990er Jahren in Asien, wurde genau dieselbe verquere und menschenverachtende Wirtschaftspolitik, deren verheerende Ergebnisse allseits – aber insbesondere im IWF (Internationaler Währungsfond) – bekannt waren, wieder auf ganz Südeuropa angewandt: Die Ergebnisse sind fatal!
African Students Learn the Truth about Security
STUTTGART, Germany, Nov 7, 2012 — Students of the George C. Marshall Center‘s Program in Advanced Security Studies (PASS) visited U.S. Africa Command November 5, 2012, to learn more about the command‘s mission and objectives and to hear first-hand about its role in combating security issues in Africa.
Pentagon Has Full Confidence in Africom Commander, Little Says
(31.10.) Little said Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta and Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, maintain complete faith in the job Army Gen. Carter F. Ham is doing as Africom’s leader.
Panetta: New AFRICOM leader to be nominated
(18.10.) Gen. David Rodriguez, currently head of U.S. Army Forces Command, would be the third Army general to head Africa Command, which was created in 2007.
Panetta says Rodriguez played a key role in the surge of U.S. forces to Afghanistan, when he was the No. 2 U.S. commander there.
Ray Odierno: Army Aiming For Regionalized Structure
As the Army withdraws forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, the branch’s chief of staff says the next goal is having uniformed soldiers return to traditional jobs they performed previously, Federal News Radio reports.
Turkish container detained in Georgia
The Main Investigation Department of the Georgian Border Police and the Coast Guard Department have detained a „CEYLA K“ container sailing under the Turkish flag for violating navigation rules.
Decision soon on ex-AFRICOM chief’s punishment
(22.10.) Gen. Raymond Odierno’s comments came as Army and Pentagon leaders are weighing the potential punishments for former Africa Command head Gen. William “Kip” Ward. (..)
“This is not a good old boy network. When you do something wrong you will be held accountable.”
Polen exhumiert Leichen der Flugkatastrophe bei Smolensk
In Polen sind Leichen von zwei weiteren Opfern der Flugkatastrophe bei Smolensk, infolge derer 96 Menschen, einschließlich des Präsidenten Polens Lech Kaczyński, ums Leben gekommen waren, exhumiert worden. Die Exhumierung wurde auf Verdacht, dass die Leichen vor der Beerdigung vertauscht worden waren, durchgeführt.
Office of the Coordinator of the Foreign Policy Advisor Program (PM/POLAD)
The mission of PM/POLAD is:
Foster interagency approaches to national security by identifying, recommending, referring, and supporting Foreign Service Officers assigned as POLADs to military organizations.
Support FSOs, which is a Department of State responsibility as outlined in DOS-DoD Memoranda of Understanding.
Maintain continuous liaison with deployed POLADs.
Network with military commands to ensure that POLADs are properly assigned and engaged.
Identify new commands that would benefit from a POLAD. Identify commands where POLADs are not properly assigned or used.
Provide administrative support, especially in HR liaison, assignment processing, official and diplomatic passport authorizations.
Discover and place new POLADs.
PICKET: (VIDEO) Petraeus mistress – CIA held Libyan prisoners cause of Benghazi attack
„A group of Delta Force operators are very…the most talented guys we have in the military. They could have come and reinforced the consulate and CIA annex that were under attack,“ said Ms. Broadwell. „Now I don‘t know if a lot of you have heard this, but the CIA annex had actually had taken a couple of Libyan militia members prisoner and they think that the attack on the consulate was an effort to get these prisoners back. It‘s still being vetted.“
Petraeus resignation: Just sex scandal or serious security concern?
Attkisson reports that Petraeus hasn‘t been the only high ranking official to leave his post since the Benghazi assault.
Gen. Carter Ham is in the process of stepping down as commander of U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM). He was in charge of U.S. military operations in Libya and the surrounding region on that night.
And Gen. Joseph Dunford is stepping down as the Marine Corps‘ 2nd in Command. The Pentagon has called both moves routine successions.
Jill Kelley, social liaison to MacDill Air Force Base, is mystery woman Paula Broadwell harassed via email leading to FBI probe
In an exclusive photo obtained by The News, the Kelleys appeared worried while speaking with Vice Adm. Robert Harward, deputy commander of the Central Command
State Department liaison Jill Kelley identified as second woman in Petraeus affair
This 2010 photo shows, left to right, Natalie Khawam, Gen. David Petraeus, Scott and Jill Kelley, and Holly Petraeus on the Kelleys‘ front lawn in Tampa, Fla. Jill Kelley is identified as the woman who received threatening emails from Petraeus‘ paramour, Paula Broadwell, and a possible rival for his affections
Jill Kelley biography: Tampa housewife whose complaint to the FBI brought the downfall of David Petraeus
Jill Kelley served as an unpaid, unofficial social liaison for U.S. Central Command, which David Petraeus led at the time
Georgiens Premier Iwanischwili für Normalisierung `historischer Beziehungen` mit Moskau
„Wir hoffen, dass die russische Regierung adäquate Maßnahmen trifft, um eine Eskalation der Situation nicht zuzulassen und diese zu beruhigen“, sagte er am Montag nach seinem Treffen mit dem Chef der EU-Kommission, Jose Manuel Barroso. „Die jetzige Situation (in den georgisch-russischen Beziehungen) ist weder für Russland noch für Georgien günstig.
HSBC Jersey-List: 97 Greeks Account-Holders with 22.3 Billion Euro?
The list contains also the names of 134 Cypriots, 602 Israelis, 527 Frenchmen, 333 Spaniards, and 117 Americans. More than half of the names (4,388) of the list are based in the UK.
„Die Griechen haben ja wirklich geliefert“
„Wir werden den Troika-Bericht, der uns gestern Nacht zugestellt wurde, im Detail prüfen“, sagte der luxemburgische Premier- und Schatzminister vor dem Treffen der ihm von ihm geführten Kassenhüter der Euroländer. Er könne das Dokument noch nicht abschließend beurteilen, da er noch mit der Lektüre beschäftigt sei, sagte Juncker.
Google, Amazon and Starbucks face questions on tax avoidance from MPs
Google, Amazon and Starbucks will face aggressive and detailed questioning by MPs on Monday over their decision to base their European businesses outside the UK to avoid paying full UK tax.
Brother of Deputy Defence Minister Commits Suicide
While ‘sources’ let the press know, that it was a ‘suicide due to personal reasons and not economical’, there seems to be a police investigation as there are some question marks about the incident.
Helen Boaden ‚steps aside‘ as head of BBC News
The BBC‘s director of news, Helen Boaden, and her deputy, Stephen Mitchell, have „stepped aside“ as the fallout from the Newsnight scandal continues.
Merkel pocht auf breite militärische Fähigkeiten Deutschland
Das machte die Bundeskanzlerin auf der Bundeswehr-Tagung in Strausberg deutlich.
Dieser Beitrag behandelt Politik-News, Deutschland und Merkel. Weitere Themenbereiche sind Fähigkeit, Bundeswehr und Libyen. Zudem werden die Themen Nato, Arbeitsteilung und Strausberg behandelt.
Die erfolgreichsten deutschen Filme seit 1968
1 (T)Raumschiff Surprise – Periode 1
2 7 Zwerge
3 Otto – Der neue Film
4 Werner – Das muss kesseln
5 Das Parfum
6 7 Zwerge 2
7 Der Schuh des Manitu
8 Otto – Der Film
9 Wickie und die starken Männer
10 Deutschland. Ein Sommermärchen
Da fällt mir ein – ich könnt´ auch mal wieder joggen gehn.
Petraeus-Skandal bringt FBI in Erklärungsnot
Kelley soll Mitarbeiterin im Außenministerium sein und als Kontaktperson zwischen dem Außenministerium und einer Kommandoeinrichtung der US-Streitkräfte fungieren.
Officials Say F.B.I. Knew of Petraeus Affair in the Summer
Law enforcement officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the delicacy of the investigation, defended the F.B.I.’s handling of the case. “There are a lot of sensitivities in a case like this,” said a senior law enforcement official. “There were hints of possible intelligence and security issues, but they were unproven. You constantly ask yourself, ‘What are the notification requirements? What are the privacy issues?’ ”
Info emerges about Florida woman who received emails from Petraeus’ paramour
A senior U.S. military official identified the second woman as Jill Kelley, 37, who lives in Tampa, Fla., and serves as an unpaid social liaison to MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, where the military’s Central Command and Special Operations Command are located.
Des-Troika und Generalstreik: Von Athen nach Europa
Am 14. November wird in Italien, Spanien, Portugal, Zypern und Malta erstmals ein koordinierter Generalstreik gegen die neoliberale “Krisenpolitik“ ausgerufen.
Portugal: Soldaten protestieren gegen Sparprogramm
10’000 aktive und pensionierte Soldaten forderten Präsident Cavaco Silva auf, die “nationale Souveränität” zu wahren und ein Veto gegen die von der Troika diktierten Sparmaßnahmen einzulegen.