Archiv: Notre Dame

20.09.2020 - 11:55 [ France24 ]

Crowds flock to Notre-Dame as France holds its annual weekend of heritage celebration despite Covid

Historic and cultural sites that are usually closed to the public opened their doors this weekend. FRANCE 24‘s reporters were among the crowds at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. They watched carpenters demonstrate the medieval techniques that will be required to restore the cathedral after it was damaged by fire on April 14, 2019.

17.04.2019 - 16:15 [ Kollibri terre Sonnenblume / CounterPunch ]

The Burning Cathedral and the Dead Turtle

Craig Murray connected the event to imperialism: “France is a country which has spent hundreds of billions of euros on nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction, and hundreds of billions of euros on other military capabilities. France possesses the technological capability to utterly flatten a city the size of Paris in minutes. Yet it does not possess the technological capability to prevent one of its greatest buildings from being destroyed by fire.”

17.04.2019 - 14:17 [ ]

War Drama vermeidbar? Brand erst 23 Minuten nach erstem Alarm entdeckt

Der französische Innenminister Laurent Nunez lobte die Arbeit der Feuerwehrleute, die ihr Leben bei dem Großeinsatz riskierten. Die Rettung der Kathedrale sei auf einen entscheidenden Zeitrahmen von 15 bis 30 Minuten zurückzuführen, berichtete der Politiker.

17.04.2019 - 14:10 [ Buzzfeed ]

Notre Dame Cathedral Staff Couldn‘t Find The Fire For 23 Minutes After The First Alarm Went Off

When he left the building about 20 minutes later, Vexo said there was still no evidence of a fire, adding that he thought it was a false alarm.

Monsignor Patrick Chauvet, the rector of Notre Dame, told French radio station France Inter that the cathedral has fire supervisors who go up to the attic to examine the frame three times a day.

17.04.2019 - 12:03 [ teleSUR ]

5 Other Historic Sites Lost or Damaged in the Last Decade

While many are mourning the partial destruction of this monument, this article highlights times during the last decade when multiple other equally important historical and cultural sites have also been lost or damaged due to wars, negligence or mere foolishness by human actions.

17.04.2019 - 06:48 [ ]

Twenty-three minutes that could have saved Notre Dame? Alarm was raised during mass at 6.20pm but staff could not find the fire until 6.43pm ….when the inferno was raging out of control

Paris public prosecutor Rémy Heitz announced on Tuesday that firefighters were called to the world-famous cathedral at 6.20pm CET, almost half an hour before the roof caught fire.

But after an initial inspection they said they were unable to find any evidence of fire.

17.04.2019 - 06:25 [ ]

Notre Dame fire: cathedral staff took 23 minutes to discover devastating blaze

Staff checked under the roof and saw nothing, according to a Paris judicial official, speaking anonymously.

But 23 minutes later a second smoke detector went off, at which point it was too late to stop the inferno.

17.04.2019 - 06:23 [ ]

Notre Dame fire alarm went off 23 MINUTES before staff found blaze raging out of control

„We are favouring the theory of an accident,“ he said, adding that 50 people were working on a „long“ and „complex“ probe into what caused the blaze.

He said they would be interviewing workers from five companies that had been hired to work on renovations to the cathedral‘s roof, which was where the fire is thought to have started.

16.04.2019 - 15:56 [ David Nicholson-Cole ‏/ Twitter ]

#NotreDameCathedral please please can we have a SPRINKLER systems in the roof of Westminster abbey and Salisbury cathedral and more!

16.04.2019 - 15:54 [ Sam Harris / Twitter ]

The Palace of Westminster is a world heritage site and water literally poured through the roof of the Commons the other week. Buildings like this & Notre Dame are part of our human story – we have a duty to save them.

16.04.2019 - 15:34 [ Douglas Murray / Spectator ]

Notre Dame’s loss is too much to bear

One winter morning heavy snow was falling and as I headed to the station I stopped dead, alone in the street with the cathedral and just drinking in the sight of a building I had seen a hundred times before. When I got into London a friend could see I was just beaming still, radiating far too much joy for such a time of the week. He asked how I was and I remember simply saying, ‘This morning I saw Notre Dame in the snow’. It was like that.