Archiv: Inger Andersen

21.03.2023 - 13:34 [ ]

Ukraine is feeding the world, it is in the common interest to ensure that Ukrainian agriculture quickly gets fully operational – Executive Director of UNEP

For 9 years we have been at war in Donbas. It’s the largest industrial part of Ukraine. We see heavy battles now every day. What will we see there when the guns will fall silent? From an environmental point of view

I can‘t speculate because I haven‘t been there. But I can only tell you that from other wars and other conflicts, we know that the more intense the fighting, the longer it takes to restore and rehabilitate.

If we take the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, where 600 oil wells were set on fire, where you had oil spills everywhere, that took decades. And that was just oil. It was not other things and it was not a protracted war. So, you need to understand that you can have pollution three meters down in the soil. And that will take a very long time.