Archiv: Fire Brigades Union (UK)

22.09.2019 - 11:37 [ Paul Embery, Blue Labour / Twitter ]

It seems the only group within the labour movement, apart from Momentum, to have publicly supported the aborted attempt to purge Tom Watson (of whom I am no great fan, by the way) is the increasingly Stalinist, purge-happy FBU leadership. Another serious failure of judgement.

14.06.2019 - 10:23 [ Channel Brexit / Youtube ]

#LeaveMeansLeaveMarch #BrexitMarch #BrexitBetrayal Paul Embery, „We need civil disobedience.“ (Leave Means Leave March)

Paul Embery @ Leave Means Leave March, 29th March.

14.06.2019 - 10:18 [ Spiked ]

The scandal of Paul Embery’s sacking

Paul Embery has spent 20 years as a dedicated trade-union official, fighting for better rights, conditions and pay for firefighters with the Fire Brigades Union. But today he revealed that he has been kicked off the union’s national executive and banned from office for two years.

Why? Because he delivered a pro-Brexit speech at the Leave Means Leave rally outside parliament on the day we were supposed to leave the EU.

14.06.2019 - 10:12 [ Labour Leave ‏/ Twitter ]

Solidarity .@PaulEmbery you are a fantastic union official, a voice for working class people and. True democrat. We stand with you in solidarity and support.

14.06.2019 - 10:08 [ Leave.EU ‏/ Twitter ]

WATCH | The late Bob Crow exposes the truth about the anti-democratic EU & demands Brexit on behalf of British workers ? What a far cry from today‘s trade unions, where the likes of @PaulEmbery are barred from office

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14.06.2019 - 10:05 [ Brendan Chilton, Director @LabourFutureUK / Twitter ]

This is absolutely outrageous. Solidarity with you My dear friend and fellow Democrat .@PaulEmbery Its a scandal.

14.06.2019 - 10:02 [ Kate Hoey, Member of Parliament / Twitter ]


14.06.2019 - 09:58 [ Blue Labour ‏/ Twitter ]

This is a shameful and intolerant decision. Paul has fought hard for better pay and conditions for firefighters for twenty years. Please show your solidarity with Paul Embery.

14.06.2019 - 09:55 [ Paul Embery, Blue Labour / Twitter ]

I am disappointed to report that I have been kicked off the national executive of my union – @fbunational – and banned from office for two years as a consequence of my speech at the ‚Leave Means Leave‘ rally outside parliament in March.

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