Archiv: East Mediterranean Gas Forum (EMGF)

29.01.2020 - 00:40 [ Kathimerini ]

Charles De Gaulle to dock in Limassol

Dumont noted that France also has its eyes set on joining the East Med Gas Forum, a platform for East Mediterranean natural gas cooperation, which was formally established as an international organization earlier this month when a memorandum of understanding was signed in Cairo by Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan and Palestine.

17.01.2020 - 23:27 [ CyprusMail ]

Turkey announces new drilling, dismisses East Med Gas Forum initiative (Updated)

In a written statement, the Turkish foreign ministry’s spokesman Hami Aksoy said on Thursday the East Med Gas Forum was in fact “an unrealistic initiative launched by some countries with political motives, under illusions of excluding Turkey from energy equation in the Eastern Mediterranean.”

03.02.2019 - 01:13 [ Elif Erşen / Daily Sabah ]

Conflict-ridden Eastern Mediterranean: Syrian war, disputed waters hinder solutions for hydrocarbon resources

In the last few years hopes for the commercialization of hydrocarbon resources in the Eastern Mediterranean have dimmed as diplomatic and military tensions rise in the region along side the unending Syrian war