Archiv: Auroras (magnetic atmospheric phenomenon) / Polarlichter

24.04.2023 - 15:18 [ New York Times ]

Northern Lights Are Seen in Places Where They Normally Aren’t

“The sun spit off a big blob of plasma,” Mr. Steenburgh said. The burst of energy, which has its own magnetic field, had been moving through space and reached Earth’s magnetic field on Sunday, when the two collided to create a geomagnetic storm, he said. “It got our magnetosphere pretty revved up.”

When this happens, the aurora can be seen closer to the Equator, Mr. Steenburgh said. Such events are not that uncommon, with about 100 occurring every 11 years, he said, adding that the storm can also disturb high frequency radio used at sea and by airlines.

24.04.2023 - 13:21 [ ]

A global environmental crisis 42,000 years ago

(19 Feb 2021)

Do terrestrial geomagnetic field reversals have an effect on Earth‘s climate? Cooper et al. created a precisely dated radiocarbon record around the time of the Laschamps geomagnetic reversal about 41,000 years ago from the rings of New Zealand swamp kauri trees. This record reveals a substantial increase in the carbon-14 content of the atmosphere culminating during the period of weakening magnetic field strength preceding the polarity switch. The authors modeled the consequences of this event and concluded that the geomagnetic field minimum caused substantial changes in atmospheric ozone concentration that drove synchronous global climate and environmental shifts.


We precisely characterize the geomagnetic reversal and perform global chemistry-climate modeling and detailed radiocarbon dating of paleoenvironmental records to investigate impacts. We find that geomagnetic field minima ~42 ka, in combination with Grand Solar Minima, caused substantial changes in atmospheric ozone concentration and circulation, driving synchronous global climate shifts that caused major environmental changes, extinction events, and transformations in the archaeological record.

24.04.2023 - 13:16 [ ]

Erdmagnetfeld: Polwanderung veränderte das Weltklima

Ungefilterte Strahlung aus dem Weltraum zerriss Luftpartikel in der Erdatmosphäre, trennte Elektronen ab und emittierte Licht. Diese ionisierte Luft brutzelte die Ozonschicht weg, heißt es in einer Presseaussendung zur Studie. In Folge dürften überall auf dem Globus Polarlichter aufgetaucht sein, nicht nur rund um den geographischen Nord- und Südpol wie heute. (…)

Das Erdmagnetfeld schwächelt bereits seit rund 2.000 Jahren wieder. Verglichen mit den ersten direkten Messungen vor 170 Jahren wurde eine Abschwächung um neun Prozent festgestellt, im Bereich des Südatlantiks sogar um dreißig Prozent.

24.04.2023 - 07:39 [ San Francisco Chronicle ]

A severe geomagnetic storm could create rare ‚northern lights‘ sightings. Here’s what it means for Northern California


Geomagnetic storms occur when energy from the sun’s outermost atmosphere disrupts Earth’s magnetic field, causing bands of green and red to light up the night sky. The natural electrical phenomenon is especially visible near the North Pole, but sometimes stretches lower into Canada and the northern United States, where it is often captured by wildfire cameras.

24.04.2023 - 07:36 [ ]

Scots could see Northern Lights with aurora borealis ‚likely‘ tonight


The natural light display – more typically visible in high-latitude regions around the Artic and Antarctic – is better seen in a dark location with no light pollution, with cloudless skies.

The atmospheric phenomenon is caused when solar particles from the sun collide with Earth‘s atmosphere. These energised particles combine with nitrogen and oxygen molecules, which send them into an excited state.

16.06.2019 - 11:31 [ Christina H Koch, current resident of the International @Space_Station / Twitter ]

Years ago at the South Pole, I looked up to the aurora for inspiration through the 6-month winter night. Now I know they’re just as awe inspiring from above. #nofilter


16.06.2019 - 11:25 [ Robert Schwarz, scientist at the geographic South Pole, Planet Earth / Twitter ]

auroras over the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station


02.07.2016 - 22:10 [ The Irish Times ]

Beauty of Jupiter’s auroras revealed by Hubble telescope

Jupiter’s auroras are huge and hundreds of times more energetic than auroras on Earth – and they never stop, thanks to the planet’s strong magnetic field.

16.08.2015 - 18:14 [ The Verge ]

Watch as astronauts soar over an Aurora Borealis in the space station

Space is a remarkable place, and right now, NASA astronaut Scott Kelly has the best seat in the house for watching its cosmic wonders unfold. Last night, Kelly posted a brief video to let us join in on his incredible view as he soared over a stunning Aurora Borealis from aboard the International Space Station at roughly 17,000 mph.

17.02.2012 - 15:05 [ Space ]

Aurora Oddity: Northern Lights Display Dazzles Without Big Sun Flare

„Sometimes the sky surprises us,“ astronomer Tony Phillips wrote on „On Feb. 14-15, with little warning, geomagnetic activity rippled around the Arctic Circle, producing an outbreak of auroras that veteran observers said was among the best in months.“