Daily Archives: 10. Januar 2014

10.01.2014 - 23:11 [ The Telegraph ]

Francois Hollande faces personal and political crisis as claims of affair with actress revealed

President François Hollande was facing a private and political crisis after a celebrity magazine published photos it says proves he is having a „secret love affair“ with a film actress almost 20 years his junior.

Closer magazine released photos it says shows the 59-year old Socialist leader and his new lover, Julie Gayet, 41, entering an apartment block a stone‘s throw from the Elysée Palace in Paris.

10.01.2014 - 23:08 [ The Hill ]

Senate Dems renew call for NSA reform

Some Senate Democrats are reiterating their call for President Obama to reform vast aspects of the National Security Agency’s (NSA) surveillance efforts.

In a letter on Friday, Sens. Mark Udall (D-Colo.), Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) told the president to halt the collection of Americans’ phone records, reform the secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and prevent warrantless searches of Americans’ communications.

10.01.2014 - 22:59 [ The Hill ]

Lawmakers press DOJ for Aaron Swartz files

A bipartisan group of lawmakers is demanding answers from Attorney General Eric Holder about the Justice Department’s treatment of the late Internet activist Aaron Swartz.

Eight lawmakers from both chambers wrote to Holder on Friday ahead of the anniversary of the programmer’s death and charged that the department has not been forthcoming about its treatment of Swartz.

They called the late programmer a “brilliant technologist and activist” and demanded that Holder explain how the department’s conduct toward Swartz was “appropriate,” as a U.S. attorney‘s office has described it.

10.01.2014 - 22:46 [ antikrieg.com ]

Genfer Verhandlungen fraglich, da syrische Opposition vor dem Zusammenbruch steht

Nachdem das Datum festgesetzt und die Hotels gebucht sind, wird Genf II mit oder ohne SNC stattfinden, aber es zeichnet sich bereits ab, dass ein Haufen von Ländern des Westens eine Delegation der Assad-Regierung unter Druck setzen werden, ohne wirkliche Chance, dass ein ernsthaftes Ergebnis erreicht werden kann.

10.01.2014 - 21:39 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

Stopping Fast-Track is One Way We Can Block TPP

Congress members introduced a bill today to “fast-track” trade agreements, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) through Congress. If passed, lawmakers would only have a small window of time to conduct hearings over binding trade provisions and give an up-or-down vote on ratification without any ability to amend the terms before they bind the U.S. government. This legal arrangement is at odds with the spirit of the Constitution, which gives Congress authority over U.S. trade policy. Fast-track authority (also known as Trade Promotion Authority or TPA) means that Congress hands that power over to the White House and the U.S. Trade Representative. Stopping fast-track is one crucial step towards blocking secretive and undemocratic agreements like TPP and the EU-US trade agreement, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

10.01.2014 - 19:33 [ Office of the Director of National Intelligence ]

Readout of the IC Leadership’s Meeting with the President’s Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies

(07.01.) DNI Clapper welcomed Review Group members Geoffrey Stone, Cass Sunstein and Peter Swire and thanked all the members for their service. The meeting allowed senior IC officials to hear directly from the Review Group about the goals and objectives of the report’s recommendations and to ask questions about the groups findings.

10.01.2014 - 19:31 [ Radio Utopie ]

Bibi & Libie

VIELLEICHT BIN ich zu dumm, aber zum Kuckuck, ich kann den Sinn der israelischen Forderung nicht verstehen, dass die Palästinenser Israel als jüdischen Staat anerkennen sollen.

Wie es aussieht, scheint es ein schlauer Trick Benjamin Netanjahus zu sein: die Aufmerksamkeit von den wirklichen Problemen abzulenken. Wenn es so ist, dann sind die Palästinenser in eine Falle geraten.

10.01.2014 - 19:16 [ Muslimbruderschaft ]

Pro-Democracy National Alliance Calls Referendum Boycott Week of Peaceful Protest

To all loyal revolutionary men and women of Egypt…

In the life of nations, there come decisive days, and in the paths of revolutions major milestones. So, move ahead boldly with your Revolution, on this crucial moment of your non-violent struggle against the junta, committed to peaceful protest and defiance with selfless devotion and creative ingenuity, for the sake of the homeland and in revenge for the martyrs, in another revolutionary escalation week, under the title „Fail False Vote“, to boycott the sham referendum on the junta‘s illegitimate constitution.

10.01.2014 - 19:07 [ Techdirt ]

In Memory Of Aaron Swartz, A Day Of Action Against The NSA

A bunch of websites and organizations are teaming up today to announce a day of action against mass surveillance in honor of the passing of Aaron Swartz. It calls out to those who fought back against SOPA to now join in this effort as well — as Aaron was deeply involved in both issues.

10.01.2014 - 19:02 [ February 11th 2014 is The Day We Fight Back Against Mass Surveillance ]


In January 2012 we defeated the SOPA and PIPA censorship legislation with the largest Internet protest in history. A year ago this month one of that movement‘s leaders, Aaron Swartz, tragically passed away.

Today we face a different threat, one that undermines the Internet, and the notion that any of us live in a genuinely free society: mass surveillance.

If Aaron were alive, he‘d be on the front lines, fighting against a world in which governments observe, collect, and analyze our every digital action.

10.01.2014 - 18:13 [ Freiheit durch Sozialismus ]

“Interessant, was neuerdings als ›nationalistisch‹ gilt …”

(4. Juli 2013) Ihre Kritiker werfen Ihnen vor, die »nationale Karte« auszuspielen – was entgegnen Sie darauf?

Der Kampagnenjournalismus gegen die Linke kann sich leider immer wieder auf Stichwortgeber in den eigenen Reihen – immer die gleichen übrigens! – stützen. Und es ist schon interessant, was neuerdings alles nationalistisch ist: das Thematisieren der Ausbildungsmisere in Deutschland; der Hinweis, daß das Abwerben junger Talente aus den Krisenländern diesen ganz sicher nicht hilft; oder vor ein paar Wochen der Gedanke, daß die gebeutelten Länder womöglich ohne Euro besser fahren, als wenn sie sich auf Dauer der Diktatur von Merkel und Co. unterwerfen, eine Meinung, die übrigens der Nobelpreisträger Joseph Stiglitz teilt. Einige Diskussionsteilnehmer scheinen da etwas schwer zu verwechseln.

10.01.2014 - 18:12 [ The Day We Fight Back ]

February 11th 2014 is The Day We Fight Back Against Mass Surveillance

If Aaron were alive, he‘d be on the front lines, fighting against a world in which governments observe, collect, and analyze our every digital action.

Now, on the eve of the anniversary of Aaron‘s passing, and in celebration of the win against SOPA and PIPA that he helped make possible, we are announcing a day of protest against mass surveillance, to take place this February 11th.

10.01.2014 - 18:02 [ Press TV ]

1 killed every 2 days in Brazil jails: Report

The statistics also excluded the number of killings of convicts detained in police stations.

According to the report, 28 percent of the killings took place at the notorious Pedrinhas prison complex in the northern state of Maranhao, where violent clashes between rival gangs left 60 convicts dead last year.

10.01.2014 - 17:49 [ Washington Post ]

FBI sending security help to Sochi Olympics

FBI Director James B. Comey said Thursday that the bureau is dispatching several dozen agents to Russia to help tighten security at the Winter Olympics.
The FBI is working with Russian intelligence services, Comey said. About two dozen agents and other personnel are being sent to Moscow, while more than a dozen others will be assigned to Sochi, the host city of the Games.

10.01.2014 - 17:11 [ XXII. Olympischen Winterspiele ]

The Sochi 2014 Official Site www.sochi2014.com is ready for the Games

With one month to go until the Olympic Winter Games, Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee launched a new version of the official site www.sochi2014.com. This version is highly interactive, offering easy access to information about the athletes participating in the Games, sport disciplines, competition schedule and the city of Sochi.

10.01.2014 - 17:07 [ Regierung der Niederlande ]

Good progress towards destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons

Foreign minister Frans Timmermans has welcomed the progress made by the joint mission of the United Nations and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), based in The Hague, in removing chemical weapons from Syria.

The Dutch diplomat Sigrid Kaag, who heads this difficult and dangerous operation, has informed the UN Security Council in New York of the results achieved so far and the steps still to be taken.

10.01.2014 - 16:15 [ Zeit ]

Geheimdienste machen die Welt unsicherer

Es gibt aber auch noch andere Quellen für die Erkenntnis, dass die in den siebziger Jahren von der US-Regierung angezettelten Crypto Wars entgegen anderslautender Berichte nie beendet wurden.
Im Gegenteil, sie betreffen alle Bereiche: Mobilfunk, Internet, Apps, Hardware – alles, was verschlüsselt werden kann, versuchen Geheimdienste zu kompromittieren.

10.01.2014 - 16:01 [ Ria Novosti ]

Chef des syrischen Koalitionsbündnisses will mit Lawrow in Paris verhandeln

„Der ursprünglich für den 13./14. Januar geplante Moskau-Besuch der Oppositionellen wird abgesagt“, teilte Dschamus der Nachrichtenagentur RIA Novosti am Freitag telefonisch mit. „Am 12. Januar werden wir – Al-Dscharba und ich – uns in der französischen Hauptstadt zu einem Treffen der ‚Freunde Syriens‘ aufhalten. Wir sind in Zeitnot. Deshalb ist die Moskau-Reise im Moment kaum denkbar. Daher ersuchten wir Lawrow um ein Treffen in Paris, wo seine Verhandlungen mit US-Außenminister John Kerry geplant sind“, sagte Dschamus.

10.01.2014 - 16:00 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

Mikdad discusses with PLO delegation Palestinians‘ situation in camps

Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Fayssal Mikdad, discussed with the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) delegation headed by, Palestinian Minister of Labor, Dr. Abdul-Salam al-Majdalani, the difficult situation of the Palestinians inside the camps in Syria due to the crimes of the armed terrorist groups.

Mikdad reviewed the procedures made by the government to provide the needs of the Palestinians inside the camps in Syria.

10.01.2014 - 15:56 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

Sit-in outside UN HQ in condemnation of terrorists’ atrocities in Adra

Scores of young men and women staged a sit-in on Thursday in front of the United Nations headquarters in Damascus in denunciation of the takfiri terrorists’ crimes in the residential worker city of Adra in Damascus Countryside.

The participants held “the oil sheikhdoms, Turkey and other terrorism-supporting countries” accountable for the massacres which the terrorist groups perpetrated against the civilians in Adra, a city home to housing compounds for private and state workers.