Artikel 2(4) der UNO-Charta verbietet „die Drohung oder den Einsatz von Gewalt“ durch Staaten. Es sind also sowohl „Drohung“ als auch „Einsatz“ verboten. Die einzigen Ausnahmen bilden der Griff zur Gewalt in nationaler „Selbstverteidigung“ als Reaktion auf einen „bewaffneten Angriff,“ oder Drohung mit oder Einsatz von Gewalt entsprechend einer bevollmächtigenden Resolution des UNsicherheitsrates.
Daily Archives: 16. September 2013
Live updates: Navy Yard shooter identified as 34-year-old man
Roughly two hours later, witnesses at the base reported hearing more shots fired. (..)
The shooter had engaged police in a running firefight, a senior law enforcement official said.
A federal law enforcement official monitoring the situation said the conflicting reports of more than one gunman are coming from a situation where a “second building” is being checked for reports of shots fired.
Inside The 2013 Forbes 400: Facts And Figures On America‘s Richest
Five years after the financial crisis sent the fortunes of many in the U.S. and around the world tumbling, the wealthiest as a group have finally gained back all that they lost. The 400 wealthiest Americans are worth a record $2.02 trillion, roughly equivalent to the GDP of Russia. That is a gain of $300 billion from a year ago, and more than double a decade ago.
Organisation für Verbot chemischer Waffen: Vernichtung syrischer Kampfstoffe beginnt in wenigen Tagen
„Syrien tritt der Organisation unter Sonderumständen bei. Deshalb ist damit zu rechnen, dass mit der Realisierung eines Programms zur Vernichtung chemischer Waffen in Syrien in einigen Tagen begonnen wird“, heißt es in einer am Montag veröffentlichten Erklärung der Organisation.
Minister of Endowments: perpetrators of criminal acts in Maaloula do not belong to Islam
Meeting families displaced from Maaloula, the Minister pointed out that Syria will remain steadfast in face of the conspiracies and pressures and the enemies will not be able to undermine its national stances.
Spähangriff auf Belgacom: Telefonanbieter der Europäischen Union gehackt
Nach einem Bericht der Brüsseler Tageszeitung „De Standaard“ wurden bei dem Angriff systematisch Gespräche abgehört. Die Staatsanwaltschaft vermute staatliche Stellen hinter der großangelegten, komplexen Cyberattacke. Hauptverdächtiger sei der US-Geheimdienst NSA.
Assad-Truppen erobern Christen-Stadt zurück
Die syrischen Regierungstruppen haben das christliche Zentrum des Landes, den Ort Maalula, nach eigenen Angaben fast vollständig von Extremisten befreit. Maalula ist einer der wenigen Orte auf der Welt, wo immer noch in Aramäisch, der Muttersprache von Jesus Christus, gesprochen wird.
Turkey shot down Syrian helicopter at border, Deputy PM says
The Turkish Air Force shot down a Syrian helicopter today at the border after the helicopter violated Turkish airspace, Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç said.
Lawrow: Keine automatische Gewaltanwendung bei Nichteinhaltung der Forderungen an Damaskus
„Zunächst muss die Organisation für das C-Waffen-Verbot ihre Entscheidung treffen“, so Lawrow. „Der Sicherheitsrat soll diese unterstützen, wobei dabei nicht das Kapitel 7 (der Uno-Charta) gemeint ist.“
At least 7 dead in Navy Yard shooting. Two possible suspects at large
Lanier described one of the possible shooters as a white male wearing what appeared to be a khaki tan military uniform and a beret, and carrying a handgun. She said police also are looking for a black man, about 50, wearing an olive military-style uniform, and possessing a “long gun.”
Dr.Rouhani gratuliert zum Unabhängigkeitstag Nicaraguas
Präsident Hassan Rouhani hat am Montag seinem nicaraguanischen Amtskollegen José Daniel Ortega Saavedra zum Unabhängigkeitstag gratuliert.
Iran signals ‚desire‘ to end nuclear dispute with West
Iran was also optimistic that broader negotiations with major powers could achieve a deal if the parties came with good intentions, Salehi told the annual meeting of the 159-nation International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
„This time we are coming with a more full-fledged … desire for this,“ he said.
Iran‘s Rouhani tells Revolutionary Guards to stay out of politics
President Hassan Rouhani told Iran‘s powerful Revolutionary Guards on Monday they should not get involved in politics, in a carefully worded speech that sought to avoid antagonizing the elite military force.
U.N. Syria warcrimes team checking 14 alleged chemical attacks
„We are investigating 14 alleged cases of chemical weapons or chemical agent use. But we have not established the responsibility or the nature of the materials that were used,“ Paulo Pinheiro, chairman of the U.N. Commission of Inquiry on Syria told a news conference.
Rebels, foreign fighters step up crimes in Syria: U.N.
Hardline Syrian rebels and foreign fighters invoking jihad, or holy war, have stepped up killings, executions and other abuses in the north since July, U.N. human rights investigators said on Monday.
Schlechte Ausrede der Woche: Das Pentagon kann leider keine Freedom of Information Act Anfragen beantworten, weil das Faxgerät ausgefallen ist.
Und wegen Budget-Freeze können sie kein neues kaufen. Nein, wirklich!
Former NSA Boss Claims Terrorists Use Gmail, Anonymity Is Awful And The US Built The Internet, So Of Course It Should Spy On It
Michael Hayden is the former NSA and CIA boss, whose claim to fame is that he oversaw the illegal warrantless wiretapping of Americans under President George W. Bush. He‘s pretty consistently managed to stick his foot in his mouth concerning everything regarding the latest NSA leaks every time he speaks.
Swift bestreitet, von der NSA ausspioniert zu werden. BWAHAHAHAHAHA, nee klar.
Die haben anscheinend das Konzept „ausspioniert werden“ noch nicht vollumfänglich verstanden…
Greek party leader urges residents to …lynch local mayor
Speaking to a group of residents of Aristotelis municipality in Chalidiki, Panos Kammenos, leader of Independent Greeks ‘advised’ to lynch Aristotelis mayor Christos Pachtas:
Ex-MI6 Deputy Chief: ‚Serious Actors‘ Already Knew About NSA‘s Techniques Before Snowden
One of the key issues in the debate surrounding Snowden‘s leaks is whether they might be threatening our security by letting the bad people know what the NSA and GCHQ are up to. Nigel Inkster, former deputy chief of the UK‘s foreign intelligence agency, MI6, doesn‘t think so:
Sheldon Richman – Das Volk sagt Nein zum Krieg
Krieg gegen Syrien ist noch immer möglich. Obama könnte befinden, dass Putins Idee ein Trick war (vielleicht ist es einer) und damit weitermachen, den Amerikanern Angst einzujagen, damit sie ihre Einstellung zum Krieg zu ändern. Wir werden dagegen auf der Hut sein müssen. Derzeit sagt das Volk nein.
The Banality of Systemic Evil
In recent months there has been a visible struggle in the media to come to grips with the leaking, whistle-blowing and hacktivism that has vexed the United States military and the private and government intelligence communities. This response has run the gamut. It has involved attempts to condemn, support, demonize, psychoanalyze and in some cases canonize figures like Aaron Swartz, Jeremy Hammond, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden.
Syria Is an Epic Victory for the Superpower of Peace
A decade ago, George W. Bush deceived just enough of the American public to go to war.
This time, no deal. Whatever it proves to be worth, a treaty has been signed. We have a precious moment where bombs aren’t flying. We’re a few steps back from the nuclear brink. And our economy is not spiraling down into another senseless military firestorm.
It may prove a small respite… but it’s a victory by any reckoning.
Now the SuperPower of Peace—all of us—must make it stick.
Konferenz in Venezuela warnt vor Faschismus
Anlässlich des 40. Jahrestages des Militärputsches gegen Salvador Allende hat vom 11. bis zum 15. September in der venezolanischen Hauptstadt Caracas das 1. Internationale Antifaschistische Treffen stattgefunden. Venezuelas Regierung hatte zu den mehrtägigen Gedenk- und Diskussionsveranstaltungen eingeladen, die von einem vielfältigen kulturellen Programm ergänzt wurden und tausende Teilnehmer anzogen.
Foreign Ministry: Russia, Georgia to discuss ways of healing bilateral relations
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin and the special representative of the Georgian Prime Minister for Relations with Russia Zurab Abashidze will discuss ways of healing Russian-Georgian relations at the next meeting in Prague on September 19.
Group of terrorists from Syria detained in Kyrgyzstan
“We have learned that the bandits had received the task from foreign ideologists and leaders of international terrorism and were sent from Syrian to Kyrgyzstan to organize and commit major acts of terror in the cities of Bishkek and Osh,” the source said.
Obama’s Contras: The Syrian ‘Rebels’
Yes, the President and his interventionist advisors – notably Secretary of State John Kerry and US ambassador to the UN Samantha Power – have been rebuked by Congress and the American people: there will be no „shock and awe“ over Damascus any time soon. The US military, for its part, has also signaled its displeasure at being asked to fight yet another futile Middle East war. Yet that hardly means the War Party has given up: far from it.
The People Against the 800 Pound Gorilla
The past ten days have seen what could be the start of an historic turning point away from endless war in the Middle East. Public opinion in the United States, in harmony with the majority of people in the world, has clearly rejected U.S. military intervention in Syria.
False Flag Operation against Syria? Lessons from the Vietnam War and the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
The Obama administration wants war with Syria. It has been planned for quite some time.
9/11 Truth: Who Is Osama Bin Laden?
In a cruel irony, while the Islamic jihad –featured by the Bush Adminstration as “a threat to America”– is blamed for the terrorist assaults on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon, these same Islamic organisations constitute a key instrument of US military-intelligence operations in the Balkans and the former Soviet Union.
Faking It: How the Media Manipulates the World into War
To understand this seeming paradox, we must first understand the centuries-long history of how media has been used to whip the nation into wartime frenzy, dehumanize the supposed enemies, and even to manipulate the public into believing in causes for war that, decades later, were admitted to be completely fictitious.
Shark fin ban at official HK functions
‚The exclusion of these… items from official menus is a start and also serves as an example of raising public education and awareness on sustainability,‘ a government spokesman said in a press release.
Pro-Syrian War Senators Received 83% More From Defense Contractors
The military industrial complex is alive and well on Capitol Hill. An analysis by David Kravets of Wired shows that members of the US Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee who voted to authorize President Obama’s planned attack in Syria were more likely to receive campaign contributions from defense contractors.
Teachers Start Striking on September 16
The Greek Federation of State School Teachers of Secondary Education, (OLME) has already announced five-day rolling strikes starting from Monday, September 16 and the Greek Primary Teacher Federation, DOE, decided to proceed to a three-hour work stoppage and participate in the 48-hour strike organized by ADEDY on September 18 and 19.
Deutscher Sojaanbau soll ausgebaut werden
Es soll in der vierjährigen Projektlaufzeit durch Demonstrationsbetriebe mit Versuchen, Seminaren und Vorträgen LandwirtInnen und Interessierten Hilfestellung und Informationsort sein und neue Erkenntnisse hervorbringen.
Russland schickt weiteres Landungsschiff ins Mittelmeer
Auf dem Weg ins Mittelmeer werde die „Jamal“ Griechenland und Montenegro besuchen.
Kazakhstan hopes to expand participation at Baikonur Cosmodrome
Kazakhstan hopes to expand its participation at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in cooperation with Russia, Kazakh Foreign Minister Erlan Idrissov told Russian Nezavisimaya Gazeta (Independent newspaper) in an interview.
Egypt forces arrest two Gaza fishermen
A Palestinian security official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Egyptian forces fired at two fishermen in waters off the Rafah city – located 30 kilometers (19 miles) south of Gaza City – and detained them on Saturday.
Flawed Media Shield Law Goes to the Senate Floor
(13.9.2013) Critically, the Senate bill gives judges discretion to apply the protections “in the interest of justice” to any other person who doesn’t fit the criteria for a “covered journalist.” Several press freedom advocates said this provision alleviates many of their concerns that the bill’s definition of a journalist wasn’t inclusive enough. “The definition is one of the most problematic and difficult areas of the shield law. Giving judges this power and discretion is a really good idea,” said David Greene, attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Both Timm and Gregg Leslie, the legal defense director for the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, said that the shield would now probably apply to many bloggers that had previously been left out.
Rouhani: Iran Will Accept Any Elected Syria Ruler
The Monday report quotes Rouhani as saying, „Whoever Syrian citizens vote for to rule their country, we‘ll agree with it.“
Koreas restart operations at Kaesong industrial zone
South Korean workers have returned to the Kaesong industrial park in North Korea, five months after work was halted amid high political tension.
Washington GMO Labeling Bill Coming Soon, Organic Farmers Still Victims of GMO Contamination
If you haven’t heard of Washington’s Initiative 522, it’s the state’s version of a GMO labeling act that will go into effect if enough signatures are received – and could go into effect in July of 2015. The 522 Initiative is getting heated enough, but extra controversy surrounds the law due to its implications for Northwest hay exporters – including those who grow alfalfa, since they say overseas customers don’t want GM crops.
New Summer
Hungry for televised violence and a spectacular doomsday scenario? In the case of Young Galaxy’s »New Summer« by director Ivan Grbovic, the disaster finds its way on your screen in a spectacular way. The end of the world never sounded so relaxed.
Groove Cereal – Part Of A Dusted Breakfast (Volume 2)
But you gotta eat something, right?
Die Bundestagswahl ist entschieden
Experten schätzen, dass bei dieser Bundestagswahl die Briefwahlquote bis auf 30 Prozent ansteigt. Das sind fast zehn Prozent mehr als bei der letzten Bundestagswahl. Zählt man dann noch die Nichtwähler dazu – bei dieser Bundestagswahl voraussichtlich 35 Prozent neben zwei Prozent ungültiger Stimmen – dann ist die Wahl so gut wie gelaufen.
Insgesamt attestiert Krüger den vier Publizisten, dass „Frieden als Wert an sich“ in ihren Artikeln „keine Rolle“ spielt und auch die dahingehenden Aussagen des Grundgesetzes und des Völkerrechts bei ihnen „keine Resonanz“ finden. Der „Einsatz und Verlust von Menschenleben“ erscheine folgerichtig als „hinnehmbar und sogar geboten“. Teilweise geht die „Identifikation mit dem Westen“ laut Krüger so weit, dass Gegner kurzerhand als „Barbaren“ diffamiert werden (Stürmer), denen man nur mit „kalter Entschlossenheit“ begegnen könne (Frankenberger).