Daily Archives: 1. Mai 2013

01.05.2013 - 23:46 [ Wikipedia ]


Der „Kids for cash“-Skandal war ein Korruptionsfall in den USA, der im Jahre 2008 aufgedeckt wurde. Mitglieder des Gerichts von Luzerne County in Wilkes-Barre, US-Staat Pennsylvania, hatten Geldzahlungen von Betreibern privater Gefängnisse entgegengenommen und ihnen im Gegenzug möglichst viele jugendliche Straftäter als Häftlinge zugewiesen.

01.05.2013 - 23:25 [ Denkland ]

32 Jahre nach Oktoberfest-Attentat: Generalbundesanwalt überprüft neue Hinweise

Beim Oktoberfest-Attentat 1980 in München mit 13 Toten und 211 Verletzten kam der als Täter ausgemachte Rechtsextremist Gundolf Köhler selbst ums Leben. Von Anfang an gab es Zweifel an der Einzeltäterthese des Generalbundesanwaltes. Nun, über 32 Jahre später sorgt der “Bommeleeer-Prozess” im Luxemburg dafür, dass der Generalbundesanwalt neuen Hinweisen nachgeht, deren Spuren zu Gladio/Stay Behind führen, den geheimen Nato-Armeen in Europa.

01.05.2013 - 23:25 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

EFF to Federal Judge: Don’t Let the DMCA be a Tool for Censorship

Together with the Digital Media Law Project, we filed an amicus brief today in federal court in Massachusetts. We are urging the court to ensure that the Digital Millennium Copyright Act provides protection for victims of abusive takedown notices—specifically, that the DMCA requires copyright owners to consider fair use before sending takedowns.

01.05.2013 - 23:21 [ ACLU ]

NEW LAWSUIT: Police Should Stop Arresting Innocent People Just for Being on a Business’s Property

The next time you‘re in Grand Rapids, Michigan and need to pull into a gas station to make a phone call, check your email, or take a look at your road map, you had better think twice. For years, the Grand Rapids Police Department has taken it upon themselves to determine who does and does not belong on the property of commercial businesses across the city – in many cases questioning, searching, and arresting innocent people for criminal trespass without warning and without the business owner‘s knowledge. Sound like a clear violation of the Bill of Rights? It is.

01.05.2013 - 23:15 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

How To Protect Against Laptop Webcam Hacking

Last week, a federal judge in Texas refused to authorize the government to hack a computer suspected of criminal use, including controlling the computer‘s camera.

01.05.2013 - 18:54 [ Interbrigadas ]

Nächster Halt: Socialismo 21!? – Venezuela nach Chavez.

Die Mitglieder des gemeinnützigen Vereins Interbrigadas, der seit nunmehr über 6 Jahren Brigaden nach Venezuela sendet und mittlerweile fast permanent in dem Land vertreten ist, möchten in Anbetracht der aktuellen Ereignisse einen Rückblick auf die letzten Jahre der „bolivarischen Revolution“ werfen, die derzeitigen Entwicklungen analysieren und die Perspektiven des sozialistischen Projektes in Venezuela gemeinsam mit euch diskutieren.

Berlin: Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2013 / 19 Uhr / Helle Panke / Kopenhagener Str. 9
Jena: Freitag, 3. Mai 2013 / 18 Uhr / Haus auf der Mauer / Johannisplatz 26

01.05.2013 - 16:52 [ Beppe Grillo ]

May Day ostriches

May Day used to be the festival of the workers. Now it’s the festival of the unemployed and the big concert in Rome. Once upon a time there was „panem et circences“ {bread and circuses}, now we’ve only got the “circences”, but just once a year, and in pride of place, instead of Caligula or Diocletian, there’s the top brass of the Triple Trade Union. Companies are closing down every minute, and the „official“ figure for youth unemployment has reached 38.4%.

01.05.2013 - 16:51 [ techdirt ]

Chuck Schumer To Introduce Patent Reform Bill To Make It Cheaper To Fight Back Against Patent Trolls

Back during the fight for the America Invents Act — the big patent reform effort from a couple years ago — Senator Chuck Schumer was able to add in an amendment that made it easier to get the USPTO to review business method patents. As we noted at the time, this amendment also effectively killed off some specific financial patents. This was a good step, though we wondered why it was limited just to business method patents. The general answer that we got back from those involved in the process was that this would be a „test bed.“

01.05.2013 - 16:49 [ Weißes Haus / Petitionen ]

Official White House Response to Stop CISPA (Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act)

Thank you for speaking out on the important issue of how cybersecurity affects privacy. The President has been clear that the United States urgently needs to modernize our laws and practices relating to cybersecurity, both for national security and the security of our country‘s businesses — but that shouldn‘t come at the expense of privacy.

The White House issued a veto threat for the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) on April 16, because the legislation did not fully address our core concerns (especially the protection of privacy). Even though a bill went on to pass the House of Representatives and includes some important improvements over previous versions, this legislation still doesn‘t adequately address our fundamental concerns.

01.05.2013 - 16:46 [ Mother Jones ]

Obama to Nominate Former Lobbyist Tom Wheeler for FCC Chair

President Obama is expected to nominate Tom Wheeler, a venture capitalist and longtime Obama supporter, as chairman of the Federal Communications Commission on Wednesday.

01.05.2013 - 14:53 [ Deutsches Verbände Forum ]

Wissenschaftsorganisationen warnen anlässlich der Bundesratssitzung: Geplantes Zweitveröffentlichungsrecht diskriminiert Forscherinnen und Forscher an Hochschulen

Anlässlich der Beratungen des Bundesrates am 3. Mai fordert die Allianz der Wissenschaftsorganisationen Nachbesserungen am vorliegenden Regierungsentwurf zum Zweitveröffentlichungsrecht.

01.05.2013 - 14:51 [ Winfuture ]

DSL-Drossel: Bundesnetzagentur schaltet sich ein

In die Debatte um die Pläne der Deutschen Telekom, Internet-Nutzern nach der Übertragung eines bestimmten Datenvolumens den Breitband-Anschluss abzuschalten, schaltet sich nun auch die Bundesnetzagentur ein.

01.05.2013 - 14:50 [ Giga ]

Vertrags-Trick der Telekom: Drosselung auch für Bestandskunden (Update)

Bei Neukunden ab dem 2. Mai 2013 soll nach dem Verbrauch eines monatlichen Daten-Volumens (voraussichtlich 75 GB) die Surf-Geschwindigkeit drastisch eingeschränkt werden. Nun gibt es deutliche Hinweise darauf, dass im Zuge der Umstellung auf IP-Technologie auch Alt-Verträge von Bestandskunden betroffen sein könnten.

01.05.2013 - 14:46 [ t3n ]

E-Commerce-Recht: Die wichtigsten Urteile und Entscheidungen im April

Aufgrund von Abmahnungen werden jeden Monat neue gerichtliche Entscheidungen veröffentlicht, die für jeden Shopbetreiber Bedeutung haben können. Daher wollen wir euch auch heute wieder die wichtigsten Entscheidungen und Themen zum E-Commerce-Recht aus dem April vorstellen.

01.05.2013 - 14:45 [ Golem ]

Blackberry-Chef: „In fünf Jahren gibt es keine Tablets mehr“

Der Anbieter des Tablets Blackberry Playbook meint, dass die Geräteform in einigen Jahren wieder vom Markt verschwinden wird. Was vom Tablet bleibe, sei ein großes Display im Arbeitsbereich.

01.05.2013 - 14:44 [ androidnext ]

Google Now für iPhone: Kein Grund, sich zu ärgern [Kommentar]

Nun ärgert sich mancher Android-Nutzer. Grund: Ein zuvor exklusives Android-Feature ist damit auch bei der Konkurrenz gelandet. Außerdem wird im Apple-Ökosystem selbst das mehrere Jahre alte iPhone 3GS unterstützt, ein Gerät das nun schon vier Jahre auf dem Markt ist.

01.05.2013 - 14:43 [ netzwertig ]

netzwertig.com im April 2013

Heute stellen wir einige der besten und populärsten Beiträge aus dem vergangenen Monat zusammen. Das Beste aus dem April 2013.

01.05.2013 - 14:05 [ Unser Politikblog ]

„Die europäischen Verdunkelung“ – Sendung „Macht und Menschenrechte“ vom 18.04.2013

Am Donnerstag den 18.04.2013, ging es bei „Macht und Menschenrechte“ um DieVerdunkelung in Europa und aus aktuellem Anlass auch um den Gladio-Prozess in Luxemburg so wie um den Richter Ferdinando Imposimato aus Italien zu Bilderberg und Gladio. Doch auch in Griechenland wird seit Februar die Berichterstattung erschwert. Der griechische Journalist Wassilis Aswestopoulos berichtete im Live-Interview über das neue griechische Mediengesetz, wie sich dieses auf die Bericht-erstattung über Armut auswirkt

01.05.2013 - 12:54 [ techdirt ]

Why Do Politicians Continue To Insist That A Magic Button Can Make Porn Disappear Online?

It appears that UK Prime Minister David Cameron is announcing that any place in the UK that provides WiFi to the public must block porn. This is wasteful and pointless for a variety of reasons. Of course, it‘s being pushed under the „for the children“ banner, but that‘s rarely true or accurate. The problem, of course, is that (1) such filtering tends not to actually block plenty of porn and (2) it regularly leads to collateral damage, including plenty of legitimate sites being blocked. Plus it‘s just costly.

01.05.2013 - 12:52 [ Quinnipiac University ]

May 1, 2013 – Obama, Dems Hope To Avoid 6-Year Jinx In 2014, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Voters Like Dems On Health Care, GOP On Deficit

Eighteen months before the 2014 elections, American voters, by a slim margin, say they are more likely to vote Democratic than Republican for Congress, which would violate the historical model of the president‘s party losing ground in the sixth year of a presidency, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.

01.05.2013 - 12:51 [ Washington Times ]

Voters narrowly favor Democrats for 2014 elections: Poll

Voters, by a 41 percent to 37 percent margin, say they’re more likely to vote for a Democrat than a Republican in the 2014 midterm elections, said a poll released by Quinnipiac University Wednesday morning.

01.05.2013 - 10:27 [ Spiegel ]

Kritik an Privatuni: „Eine Elite von naiven Automaten“

„Dozenten sind vor den Jahrgang getreten und haben gesagt: Ihr seid hier, weil ihr reich werden wollt. Und unser Rektor sagte am ersten Uni-Tag: Ihr seid die Besten, ihr werdet dieses Land einst führen. Dieses Gefühl der Überlegenheit setzte sich im Laufe der Semester bei fast allen durch. Das führte zu Selbstgerechtigkeit und Arroganz.“

01.05.2013 - 07:05 [ ABC News Video ]

Amanda Knox‘s Story of Survival (Aired on 04/30/13) Full Episode

„Error Code: 403-1. You appear to be outside the United States or its territories. Due to international rights agreements….“

01.05.2013 - 06:46 [ Guardian ]

Amanda Knox: what happened to me could have happened to anyone

„I was in the courtroom when they were calling me a devil. I mean it‘s one thing to be called certain things in the media and then it‘s another thing to be sitting in a courtroom fighting for your life when people are calling you a devil.

„For all intents and purposes I was a murderer, whether I was or not. I had to live with the idea that that would be my life.“

01.05.2013 - 06:44 [ Beppe Grillo ]

The truth spoken loud and clear by the M5S

Yesterday in the Lower House there was a very special phenomenon. Deputies who don’t have to give an account of themselves to any lobby „allowed themselves“ to criticise the choice of Ministers. They named those who have been doing stitch-ups for twenty years. They asked for an account of anti-constitutional laws.

01.05.2013 - 06:42 [ techdirt ]

Private Security Contractors Try To Shut Down Journalist Using Legal Threats And Claims Of Harassment

Post-Boston bombing, everyone‘s talking about surveillance and privacy. Those doing most of the talking seem to think we need more of the former and less of the latter. And there‘s no getting these legislators and law enforcement officials to shut up about it, either. It almost as if they believe repetition converts false presumptions into incontrovertible facts.

01.05.2013 - 06:42 [ techdirt ]

Canadian Politician Uses Nutty Hybrid Copyright Complaint In Attempt To Stifle Criticism

The political debate in Canada is heating up, with the Conservative party recently launching a series of attack ads aimed at the new Liberal party leader, Justin Trudeau. Whatever you think of these kinds of ads — and I am of the mind that it sucks to see them getting more and more popular in Canada, no matter which party is using them — former Liberal leader and current Liberal MP Stéphane Dion has now shown everyone how not to respond to them. In a letter to Canada‘s election regulators, Dion has presented the incredibly twisted argument that the footage in these ads violates copyright law, which makes it an illegal campaign contribution:

01.05.2013 - 04:41 [ Radio Utopie ]

Die Taliban-Lusche …

In der Annahme, mit einem schwuppsdiwupps aus dem Ärmel geschüttelten Trumpf-Ass einen Stich zu ihren Gunsten zu landen um aus dem Schneider zu kommen, haut ein Mitspieler die niedrigste Lusche auf den Tisch die es in diesem überreizten Spiel gibt und spielen sich Schwarz, dass heisst, sie bekommen keinen einzigen Stich.

01.05.2013 - 01:03 [ New York Times ]

Friction Rises as Mexico Curbs U.S Role in Drug Fight

In their joint fight against drug traffickers, the United States and Mexico have forged an unusually close relationship in recent years, with the Americans regularly conducting polygraph tests on elite Mexican security officials to root out anyone who had been corrupted.

01.05.2013 - 01:01 [ The Australian ]

Guzman‘s father-in-law arrested in Mexico

In January, the Treasury blacklisted Coronel and a senior lieutenant of Guzman, barring any US citizen from conducting business with the pair and freezing any assets they may have in the United States.

01.05.2013 - 00:57 [ Global Post ]

6 Killed in Mexico plane crash

Six people who were traveling in a small plane belonging to the Mexican Attorney General‘s Office died Tuesday when it crashed in the northern state of Zacatecas, authorities told Efe.

01.05.2013 - 00:48 [ Truthout ]

If Bangladesh Can Hold Their Corporate Fatcats Accountable – Then So Can We!

In the United States, we have basically two different justice systems. There‘s one for corporate executives and rich people, and one for everyone else.

Here in the United States, we hold people like Aaron Swartz and Bradley Manning accountable for their actions, but let people like JPMorgan‘s Jamie Dimon and Goldman Sachs‘ Lloyd Blankfein, who have caused real damage to America, get off with barely a slap on the wrist. Just this week, JP Morgan avoided another court case that could have led to criminal charges by paying a small fine.

01.05.2013 - 00:40 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

Craigslist Owns What You Did Last Summer

Did you post an ad on craigslist between July 26, 2012 and August 8, 2012? If so, bad news for you. Turns out that craigslist, and not you, owns that ad. In other words, if you try to repost it to another site, you could actually be infringing craigslist‘s copyright. Sound ridiculous? We think so, too.